Monday, October 30, 2006
More like . . . Treasure Protectors
Now let's talk about treasure hunting.
Treasure hunting is a very cool thing. A special activity put together by one friend to make other friends make fools of themselves in public without realizing what they are doing. Your friends will think they are having fun, while in reality, they are merely showing the world how crazy they can be.
Think about it.
Four people riding around town frantically searching for a leaf the same size as their shoe. I can only imagine the terror struck into the heart of one poor woman who was approached downtown and asked if she spoke Spanish. "Who are these crazy people and what do they want?" would've been my first reaction.
Then imagine having a quiet, enjoyable dinner at your local KFC. Suddenly creep in four strangers, linked only by their hands and one common goal. They chant out in unison something about a magic number, look suddenly crestfallen, and scurry out much faster than they crept in. Imagine the terror of one passenger in said cars as they pulled into parking lot of said KFC, narrowly missing their opponents' vehicle. (I was dead sure at least one "signature of a cop, with badge number" would be at the bottom of a traffic ticket.)
The stories told, the songs sung, the cheers given, the threats, the jeers, the taunts, the laughter and the smiles will not soon disappear from my memory.

. . . I only wish I could've been there at KFC when they came in! . . . |
posted by cori
10/30/2006 05:29:00 PM
I don't know how I missed all these posts! I'd been checking in here every now and then and all I ever saw was the "Tagged Again" post. *raises one eyebrow* weird.....
Sounds like y'all had a blast! We ought to do something like that sometime, maybe when it's not so cold out. :-)
Had some trouble with posting. I think I was hitting "saved draft" until about last week.
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
Account of a Birthday Celebration
Here I am again. I dropped off the world for a while there. Actually, I was just incredibly busy. Things are slowing down now. Gosh, I haven't written anything on here since before my birthday! Wow!
Well, I turned a year older. Had friends over. (The Davises, of course. Who else could it be?) They asked to be allowed the privilege of showing up in masks. So I figured, why not? Add a little fun to the night. Manda came looking like Carmen Sandiego, but I don't actually think that's the model she had in her mind. Danielle wore a butterfly mask. Derek came as a pirate/Batman person. James, ever musically-inclined, appeared wearing a half-face mask, much in the fashion of the Phantom of the Opera. I wore a ladybug mask, fashioned specially by and for yours truly.
The party was great fun. Mom made a ladybug cake and I only blew out, like, four candles on the first try. (My mask got in the way.) So let's see . . . my age minus four candles . . . It left quite a few. Guess I don't get my wish this year.
We played Probe for, like, one round. Then to liven things up (I felt like falling asleep at my own party), we took pictures. What fun! Not just normal pictures. We discovered the value of "rapid shot" photos. Stick one of them babies on a timer and your bound to have fun. Enjoy---

We had to go run around outside after that just to cool off. It was all fun and games till they locked me out of the house.
Daddy got me opal earrings for my birthday. I love them!! Tiny little teardrops on my ears. James got me a large jewelry box, the kind that stands upright and has drawers and hooks inside. Mom bought me an awesome Victorian/western style white blouse. Very cool. And the Davis people gave me the world's coolest little black purse and a white beaded necklace. The purse is leather and has chain straps with leather strips woven through it. So cool, so cool.
And so that was my birthday.
posted by cori
10/26/2006 05:27:00 PM
ROTFL!!!! I love #5 and #7. How fun!!
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Monday, October 09, 2006
Tagged Again
I'm gonna stop reading other blogs, just so I can in all honesty say that I never knew I was tagged. Or just email them my responses.
TEN FAVORITES 01. television show: Home Makeover Home Edition 02. flower: anything delicate 03. color: green 04. sport: iceskating 05. mall: I like the mall here in FL better than Deptford, but I haven't been to the one in Mays Landing yet, so I can't say as far as that goes. 06. music: a new Celtic cd I just bought 07. food: Some people say I'm picky, but I prefer to think of myself as a conossieur of fine cuisine. I guess New England clam chowder is my current favorite. 08. season: Summer 09. animal: I think Great Danes are cool. 10. city: Chicago!
TEN FACTS 01. hometown: I consider it the one I live in. 02. hair color: natural 03. hair length: too long for my taste 04. hair style: now? down. preferred? down and curled 05. eye color: Blue, baby. Blue 06. shoe size: 8 1/2W 08. ethnicity: Do you mean the color of my skin? or the country from which my family originated? My skin is way too pale, though I've picked up a barely noticeable tan while I've been down here. My country of origin is America, duh. 09. available: No. Absolutely not. Anybody reading this knows exactly why. 10. lefty/righty: Righty
TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE 01. have you ever been in love?: *Oh, no. Hold it, hold it. The following questions will receive elusive answers, but still are posted in case someone reading this actually wants to post their personal information for the world to see, hence making it no longer personal.* 02. do you believe in love: (what kind of stupid question is that? of course I do.) 03. why did your last relationship fail: (last relationship??) 04. have you ever been heartbroken: ("a broken and contrite heart the Lord will not despise") 05. have you ever broken someone's heart: (how would I know?) 06. have you ever fallen for your best friend: (Well, for that to happen, my bf would have to be male.) 07. have you ever loved someone but never told them: (I think if you care for someone, your concern for their betterment will show itself without having to say "I love you.") 08. are you afraid of commitment: (This one's hard to elude. It's a yes/no question. So in order to remain consistent, I must refrain entirely.) 09. have you ever had a secret admirer: (Had one? If it was a secret I would not know, would I?) 10. do you believe in love at first sight?: "I believe in taking a second look." This was the answer given by Britt, and I wholeheartedly agree. :)
TEN THINGS: THIS OR THAT 01. love or money: Love 02. hard liquor or beer: YUCK!! 03. night or day: night 04. one night dates or relationships: Relationships. Duh. 05. television or internet: Net 06. pepsi or coke: Coke 07. wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic would be defined as what? Watching a romantic movie? I'd rather have the night out. 08. colored or black and white: color 09. phone or in person: in person 10. aim or myspace: AIM
TEN HAVE YOU EVERS 01. have you ever been caught sneaking out: No 03. have you ever done something you regret: Yes, hello. 04. have you ever bungee jumped: No 05. have you ever been on a house boat: No 06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: Yes 07. have you ever wanted something so badly it hurt: No 10. have you ever been caught by your parents stealing cookies: Cookies were always an open item. You couldn't steal what you weren't forbidden to have. Can I ask what happened to numbers 2, 8 and 9?
TEN EMOTIONS 01. are you missing someone right now: People at home 02. are you happy: Yeah 03. are you talking to anyone right now: No, just listening to my grandma and grandpa talk. 04. are you bored: No, I'm busy doing this thing. 05. are you angry: Not that I know of. 06. are you stressed: No. 07. are you nervous: No. 08. are you tired: Yeah. These late nights are starting to catch up to me. 09. are you fed up with your life: No. 10. do you have feelings for someone: I think we covered this all in the section above? |
posted by cori
10/09/2006 09:18:00 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
I'm not crazy. I'm just a little unwell . . .
Ok, whatever. So here sits me @ my grandpa's laptop trying to catch up on, like, forever many days that I haven't written. What? today's Friday. So it's been a week. *ahem*
Thursday was cool. They told me I didn't need braces. I was excited at the time. I'm not as excited anymore because I'm beginning to disbelieve my orthodontist. Friday was, well, pretty boring as days go. We rode in the car all day from eight-thirty or so till about, um, eight-thirty or so. Then Saturday started out in a similar fashion.
Got to Jess's place around one-thirty. Tori was glad to see Grammy and Grandpa. She has taken to calling my mom "Mee-mee." I think it is a short version of "Grammy." I've been referred to as "Leh-lee" and "At Don". Everyone is referred to by Aunt Dawn's name. :) Uncle James was a bit of an intimidating character until the next day at the picnic for her birthday when James gave Tori a toy pig that walks and oinks his nose at her.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. We spent about three hours there and then hopped over to my grandparents' house where James and I were staying. After dinner and an argument over who was sleeping on the floor and who was sleeping on the bed, Dad and Mom went back to my sister's and we stayed up forever long visiting with Chris and his mom.
Chris is doing really great. He just bought a new guitar, all hand-made, beautiful sound and incredibly inexpensive as guitars go. He's very proud of it and has played it for me almost everytime I've seen him this week. :)
Sunday morning, my aunt came to pick me up for church. James stayed with my grandparents that morning. Aunt Dawn goes to the same church I remember visiting forever ago. Same pastor, same music singing guy, same pianist. The pastor acted like he remembered me, but I think he was mistaking me for someone else. Goodness knows who.
The picnic was that afternoon. We hauled over to the park, the same one where we've held countless birthday parties in years past. The weather was perfect. Hot in the sun--cool in the shade. I manned the video camera for a while on and off. Got Tori opening all her presents and using green icing for eyeshadow, lipstick, and rouge. Chris showed up on a motorcycle, wearing his "semi-formals," meaning a t-shirt, printed to look like a tuxedo. Everyone was dying to know where he got it.
We spent most of the afternoon there, watching the dads play continuous games of horseshoes, taking walks across the pier and around the lake, spying gators in the water and freaking out, and generally having a good time. Grandma and Grandpa left early; they never stay very long, especially with nothing more comfortable to sit on than a couple of picnic tables. Many friends came and went throughout the day, but the immediate family members stuck it out to the last, waiting with bated breath for the last horseshoe game to end.
J and I rode back with Dawn and Dave. Mom and Dad had gone back to help Jess put food away, but by the time they came up to Grandma's, J and I were already off at Chris's house. We stayed up till around midnight playing Imaginiff with my aunt and uncle, Chris and my cousin, Aaron. It was great fun, and Chris really enjoys the game. At least, that's the impression I get when he asks to play it every night.
It was hard to get up the next morning, but I figured I'd better do it before eight. Mom's never impressed by sleeping late after a late night. Monday was dull. We were left pretty much to ourselves the whole day, not hearing or seeing anyone but each other and my grandparents until seven that night. Not a bad thing if you don't mind watching every western movie (with the same general plot as the last one you just watched) all day. Uncle Tom showed up to pick up Aaron, who had spent the night @ Chris's. We had burgers for dinner. I didn't each much, as I had eaten hot dogs for lunch. Most people would gain 500 lbs. on a diet like this. Not me. I just don't eat it. Blech.
Tuesday was better. Mom came by at ten to take her parents to Sam's Club. Even though I knew it was nowhere near any real stores, I went along for the ride. Mom hopped over to pick up daughter and granddaughter. A trip to Walmart ensued where I wandered in search of them he whole time after losing them just inside the entrance. Hallmark was next (or was it before?). Tori made it as far as the stuffed animals. She's grab for one, hug it, pet it, and then see another she liked better. Aunt Leslie held her for a good twenty minutes while she made her selection, but after a while that little kid got heavy! Such a little thing, but I had to pass her to Grammy.
I seem to remember being really tired that night. I zonked out in the spare room at eleven. Then James came in at what felt like 3am and started to run the pump for the air mattress. (Don't ever do that again.) I'd have killed him, but I wasn't quite awake.
Wednesday . . . what happened Wednesday? Oh. I ironed clothes. And then around dinnertime, I went bowling with the boys. I bowled a 72. Then a 56. Don't laugh at me!
Fine, I'm getting off here. |
posted by cori
10/06/2006 07:09:00 PM
Les, So good to hear all about your trip! It sounds as if you all have having a very blessed time with that dear little girl, and her mama, of course. :) Thanks so much for the update on your trip; I thoroughly enjoyed my peek into your week. ~Cara
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The ShugaBowl |
Sounds like some kind of sports thing, but in reality, the ShugaBowl is just a little hideaway for me, Sugarcube herself, to let loose my thoughts and occasional creativeness. |
I don't know how I missed all these posts! I'd been checking in here every now and then and all I ever saw was the "Tagged Again" post. *raises one eyebrow* weird.....
Sounds like y'all had a blast! We ought to do something like that sometime, maybe when it's not so cold out. :-)