Sunday, July 24, 2005
Brief and to the Point
Apart from quoting from Washington's farewell address, I really don't know what I could say right before leaving the blogosphere for a week. *gasp* A whole week!! But just so you know not to expect a new post for a while, James and I are leaving for Lancaster tomorrow. See you when we get back!
posted by cori 7/24/2005 02:52:00 PM   4 comments
  • At 7/25/2005 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I will miss your delightful blog entries. Look forward to reading all about your week at the CI. Have fun. :)

  • At 7/30/2005 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm not sure if you will make it tomorrow to church, but I hope you do! Can't wait to hear all about your week! ~Hugs~

  • At 8/02/2005 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My brief and to the point comment: Please post!!

  • At 8/02/2005 10:12 AM, Blogger cori said…

    Sorry! It took me a while to write it all out. And let's just say that it's not going to be brief and to the point. :)

    Good luck following me through the whole week.

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Saturday, July 23, 2005
Second blogging of the day
As I sit here contemplating the computer screen before me, my thoughts wander. They don't wander aimlessly. No, they have a purpose, a distinct mission. I am trying desperately to remember where I put the cable that connects my video camera to the television. My thoughts have to go back quite some time, because I have not used either the cord or the camera in more than a year. I was thinking this morning how great it was that I knew where the camera was. You'd think the cord would be in the box with the camera, but, no, that would be too simple. Perhaps if my mind wandered elsewhere for a while, it would stumble across something useful. (I like to flatter myself that it would.)

All our guests are gone home. The baby shower is over. It was quite fun. Everyone seemed to have a good time. We always play lots of games when we host parties at our house. Mom and I try to get creative and not play games that we have done before. We had an especially difficult time because we just had a baby shower for Emily not too long ago. First we played a game where you pass a poem around the room to different people according to different variables such as their clothing, purse size, age and earring style. Joy ended up being the last person and won a prize for the merit of being on Mrs. Bruce's left. The next game was also won by Emily, who knew that a rabble was a group of bats, and a pod was a family of porpoises. (Is that pluralized correctly? Who knows?)

This is James. (Obviously.) He was the cameraman for the day.


The cake went over well. I made it from looking at a picture in a cake decorating book that my mom showed me. We saw it in the store, said "Oh cute!" and bought the decorations and pans right then and there. The original was much larger with four tiers, but we only had a few people coming so we didn't need that much cake. (Besides, if I had to put many more frosting stars on, I think I'd have had a problem with my coordination eventually.) Here's a picture of it.

Skeptics. They always look like they don't believe a word you're telling them. (JK!)

Aunt Garnie came a little late due to a fishing trip by Uncle Sam. We were so glad she could come. I had told her the shower would probably be over by 3:30 or so, but she showed up anyway and we all stayed around until 4:30.


After cake and punch and chips, we (can you guess?) played more games! Of course! Games are designed to be fun and who doesn't like to have fun? (What else could we do when our guest of honor was a thousand miles away?) We played a really fun game called Bloomers. Now, this was a really really interesting twist on Hot Potato. I didn't actually get to see the game played because I was on the piano playing the music. There was a gift wrapped box passed around the room. It was wrapped several times and contained a pair of bloomers. The person stuck with the box at the end of the game had to wear them for the rest of the shower. It went around and it went around and ended up at Aunt Garnie. She was somewhat distraught until she opened the box and found two flowers to pin on her shirt. :)

Aunt Garnie is blindfolded for another game we played called Pins&Rice. Blindfolded and presented with bowl of rice and safety pins, each lady had one minute to find as many pins as she could. You'd be surprised at how hard it is to tell the difference! Joy especially liked this game. Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Bruce were our winners with five pins each. (I had found nine, but I had tried it out this morning to see just how hard it was.) Everyone seemed to have a different level of sensitivity in their fingertips, because some ladies came up with only one pin. Aunt Garnie made the comment "You'd think a Japanese woman would be able to tell the difference between safety pins and rice!" apparently somewhat frustrated after having been poked by one of her pins.

The last game we played was guessing game. I gave the guests a clue, and they came up with the answer. Each answer was a kind of candy. For instance, my clue was "hospital bill" and Cara guessed Payday. (The answer could actually be Payday or 100 Grand, which was the candy bar we bought, and hence, she won.) Mrs. Bruce won a box of Sugarbabies for guessing "hospital nursery", and Mrs. Horn won a MilkyWay for guessing "feeding time."

James and Mom are sitting in the living room now, watching the video on the camera because all this mind wandering hasn't done any good. I still don't know where that cable is at. What am I going to do?
posted by cori 7/23/2005 05:59:00 PM   0 comments
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In Preparation for a Memorable Event
Let me take time out for a moment while I'm alone here. My family has been preparing for a baby shower for my sister. It's been a suprisingly laid back preparation, at least, more so than most of our other get togethers.

Everybody has been busy doing something. James is our chosen videographer, assigned to capture Kodak moments with a Quasar. He's been charging batteries and testing tripods this morning.

Mom and James pulled in a little bit ago. They had made a last minute trip to the store. One of those I-can't-believe-today-of-all-days-we-run-out-of-coowhip-and-why-does-this-bike-race-have-to-be-on-the-same-road-as-me kind of shopping trips. I had to take a break from blogging to help get the food ready. My job while they were gone was to get the games ready. I'm so glad we have a nice video camera. These games are gonna be cool.

Mom has been doing everything today from laundry for James and I so we have some white shirts to wear next week to thawing out blueberries for a fruit salad to telling me very seriously "Don't open the freezer". I assume by that comment that she is concerned for my safety and that if I were to open said freezer, something is bound to submit to the laws of gravity, thus injuring someone's toes. :)

Hah! I am LOL listening to the conversation around me. James was doing dishes next to the bowl of blueberries. (That alone ought to tell you something.) He must have just finished because he came through the room where I am at the comp. Mom apparently noticed a deficiency in fruit supply. "Are you in my fruit?" she says.

"Not anymore." (He says this in a rather mumbling tone, as though he has not yet finished destroying the incriminating evidence.)


It's getting quite busy around here just now. So I'll have to get off here and send an update later on today.
posted by cori 7/23/2005 11:40:00 AM   0 comments
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Sew... guess what I've been up to?
It was one of those days again. You know the kind. First thing your mom says is ask if you want to go shopping? What kind of question is that? She knows I'll go with her. She's just letting me know to get ready. I was already dressed when she asked so I had to go change into shopping clothes.

We went to Sams Club up in Williamstown. I spent almost the whole time watching the previews for the new movies coming out. You know how they have those thirty-some televisions on display? They must've had four or five different movies going, among them Finding Neverland and Peter Pan. I could hear the music for Peter Pan all the way through the store. Mom and I were doing some major shopping today. Even though James and I are going away next week, we had to buy the same amount of food. (James has to have snacks and stuff during the day.)

We always take coolers to keep the food cold while we shop other places, but it was so warm in the car and we couldn't find any shade to park in that I sat in the car with the AC on while Mom went into the farm market to buy veggies and meat. Poor me, right? Are you kidding? Music blaring, singing my heart out with no one to hear me. How much fun! Then Mom sent me in to get milkshakes and pretzels. YUM!!

Unfortunately, the whole time I was out shopping, I was thinking about all the sewing I have to get done before Monday. I have two pair of pants for James to do and finish a dress I am on the verge of shredding from sheer frustration. Can somebody please tell me again why I like to sew? What is with me? I suppose everyone has to have a little healthy frustration in life. Maybe this is mine.

So here I sit, typing away as though I've got nothing else to do.


I gotta go.
posted by cori 7/21/2005 08:18:00 PM   1 comments
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Totally have to catch up on events here
James and I received a phone call from the Davis household bestowing an invitation to a birthday party for Danielle on Monday. Seventeen!! I can't believe it. Didn't she just turn sixteen last year?? Anyway, when James and I got there, everyone was in the midst of either eating dinner or cleaning up. After the usual "ice tea welcome" from Derek, we sat down at the table to wait till there was an opening to jump into. (We never have to wait long.) The first thing I heard about was Nathan's new remote control Jeep that he had from Jeremy for his birthday. I think the batteries were already starting to die down. As I was checking that out and seeing how absolutely awesome his Jeep was, someone started to chase him with threats of tickling. :) Nathan moves pretty fast.

It's an great joke to listen to two Davis siblings argue over who's turn it is to do something. Dishes, for instance, are especially quirky. Do y'all come up with a new excuse every night or do you do that just to give your friends something to watch? Manda started setting the table and I fell to washing dishes, when all of a sudden an orange and white flash came tearing through the kitchen. I turned to see what it was and what should I see when these lightning fast blurs slowed down, but Derek and Kyle using each other for dishtowel target practice. My attention was called away from this display of prowess by a voice at the kitchen window. "Hey! You're not Andrea! I thought she was doing dishes?" Peter had seen an unfamiliar blonde at the window and I assume mistook yours truly for someone else. Shall I turn around again? Dare I? Manda was beheading the black-eyed susans when I did. Flower power. She spread them on the table to decorate with ribbons and such other fun things.

Danny came down seemingly surprised at the preparations. I am to assume she knew nothing of them? We sang "Happy Birthday" and she blew out the candles. I'm not sure if she had any left. She had two cakes so I couldn't decide if allowances should be made for taking an extra breath between candles or if we should count all four that were left after the first go around. The cake was so good. Chocolate and peanut butter. MM-HHMMM!! With ice cream, no less.

After she'd opened her gifts, (chinese lanterns, pet tarantulas, tickets to London, etc.) four of us moved back to the kitchen to play Spoons. (No, not musically. Spoons aren't really that musical.) I was somewhat confused at first, as they way Derek and Kyle play was similar, but not exactly the same, to the way I had learned. I had to stop several times to clarify exactly when are we supposed to grab the spoon? Then I taught them how to play Rummy. It's not hard, but I've been playing it with Grandpa for years and so I had way more points than they did.

Realizing that there was a decided interest in whatever was going on in the next room, we adjourned there. It was not the movie on the tv that was attracting such attention as we had thought, but the computer game Danielle was playing. (James took her through all the so-scary-I-nearly-jumped-out-of-my-skin parts.) Not interested in the game, Derek suggested watching previews for different movies. I know this may seem strange to some people, but I love to watch previews. They're so cool. And they make me want to watch a movie. Even if I've already seen it. (Has anyone seen the teasers for Luther? They are awesome!) We only got through two before my mom came to pick us up.

Thanks, Davises, for having us over! I had a blast!

P.S.- I was kidding about the tarantulas and the tickets to Europe, btw.
posted by cori 7/20/2005 05:35:00 PM   0 comments
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Monday, July 18, 2005
Sundays are long. (what a descriptive word.)
Don't know what I can say about yesterday. Today's post is therefore going to be relatively short. I slept in until 9:30. A bad idea since we leave for church at ten. I grabbed a pack of graham crackers and a cup of tea to take with me and eat for breakfast. Cara was not at church, but we didn't stay long so I don't know that I'd have gotten to say much to her if she had been. Mom got directions to the nearest gas station from Pastor Catell. The three of us rode for a while wondering if there really was anything down that road besides houses when we spotted a Wawa. Then we knew we'd hit civilization again.

I spent most of the afternoon reading the last in a series of books I've been reading, being often interupted in my thoughts by the voice of Dirk Valentine reading a hundred-year-old letter and wondering why James plays the same mystery game twice.

But like I said, the day was dull. This post is short. My profound apologies.
posted by cori 7/18/2005 10:24:00 AM   0 comments
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Sew... guess what I've been up to?
It was one of those days again. You know the kind. First thing your mom says is ask if you want to go shopping? What kind of question is that? She knows I'll go with her. She's just letting me know to get ready. I was already dressed when she asked so I had to go change into shopping clothes.

We went to Sams Club up in Williamstown. I spent almost the whole time watching the previews for the new movies coming out. You know how they have those thirty-some televisions on display? They must've had four or five different movies going, among them Finding Neverland and Peter Pan. I could hear the music for Peter Pan all the way through the store. Mom and I were doing some major shopping today. Even though James and I are going away next week, we had to buy the same amount of food. (James has to have snacks and stuff during the day.)

We always take coolers to keep the food cold while we shop other places, but it was so warm in the car and we couldn't find any shade to park in that I sat in the car with the AC on while Mom went into the farm market to buy veggies and meat. Poor me, right? Are you kidding? Music blaring, singing my heart out with no one to hear me. How much fun! Then Mom sent me in to get milkshakes and pretzels. YUM!!

Unfortunately, the whole time I was out shopping, I was thinking about all the sewing I have to get done before Monday. I have two pair of pants for James to do and finish a dress I am on the verge of shredding from sheer frustration. Can somebody please tell me again why I like to sew? What is with me? I suppose everyone has to have a little healthy frustration in life. Maybe this is mine.

So here I sit, typing away as though I've got nothing else to do.


I gotta go.
posted by cori 7/17/2005 08:16:00 PM   0 comments
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Saturdays are cool. (what a profound statement.)
I suppose telling about the first day of a sleep over is usually more interesting than telling about the second day, but when Cara and I get together, that sort of thing only lasts as long as our argument over who has to decide what we're going to do that day. (Yes, Danny, I guess we do have arguments occasionally.) :)

None of us girls walked out of that tent yesterday before 9:30, I'm sure. Unfortunately, we took too long to decide what to have for breakfast. (I think if we'd have had pancakes, it'd have taken too long to make them.) Lauren and Danny's ride showed up at 9:45 so that they didn't get to eat breakfast.(Hope you guys ate something!) Cara and I decided on cereal. How exciting, right? We decided on a movie to watch and by the time it was finished, my parents were ready to go to a restaurant in Greenwich for lunch.

Anyone ever been to the BaitBox? Don't let the name fool you. It's really a rather nice place. We got a table in the corner with windows on either side. Cara and I faced both windows so we could "contemplate the river" and "restore the soul". It's said to do that. I enjoyed the meal immensely. I love shrimp. Hot. (I had to eat it hot, D, it was fried.) Mom had seafood as well. Everyone else had cheeseburgers and grilled cheese sandwich. That ended our party because when we got back Cara had to leave. 'Twas great fun!

James went bike riding later with Derek. They went out to get the ice cream that they missed out on the day before because of that phone call I told you about? Maybe a half hour after he left, the wind started to blow and the lightning started to light up the sky. Mom had me call to see where the guys were at. Dad went and got them because no one wanted them riding home in a storm. But as soon as they got here, the thunder stopped yelling at the lightning.
posted by cori 7/17/2005 02:22:00 PM   0 comments
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Surprise, thy name is Cara
Last night, I hosted a party for my friend's 18th birthday. I've been planning on it since about April, but because she frequents this blog, I was unable to say anything about it in so public a place. (Now you know the reason for my lack of posts as the date came closer.)

She was definitely surprised. The rest of the guests arrived and we stood talking until 7pm when Cara was supposed to come. She surprised us a little by showing up ten minutes early. All the girls hid by the side of the house while I went to steer. Cara pulled up. I gave her a hug. "Wait till you see my arbor, Cara. James has it all finished." "Oh! Well let's leave my stuff here until later then." We walked her over towards the arbor and just as she turned the corner of the house, well, you probably know the rest. She was definitely surprised.

We all put on leis and flowered ankle bracelets while we ate cheese curls and drank lemonade. I made her an ice cream cake. It was flavored with lemonade. It was very tart. And very pink. Everyone loves ice cream cake. So then we ate our cake and our cheese curls along with bubble gum, candy necklaces and lemonade. Danielle decided she wanted to sit in her favorite chair, which was on the front porch, so we all moved in that direction. Cara opened her presents (and Danny opened one I gave her a little early). I kept hearing the phone ring, so I went inside to answer it but by the time I got there, it had stopped ringing. I hate when that happens. I found out later that it was James calling from the Davises' asking if he could go for ice cream.

Everybody came inside when it got too dark to see very well outside. We brought all the food of course, and played Imaginiff. We didn't make it the whole way through the game. (I think it was all the coffee breaks and stopping to change clothes. ;) Melissa left to go home at around 9 or 9:30. I don't remember what we did for the next hour. I remember everyone watching as everyone else took a turn looking at Cara's scrapbook. Then Derek showed up at 10:00 to bring James home and pick Manda up. He took a turn with the scrapbook too. :)

After being banished to the tent in the backyard, Lauren, Danny, Cara and I stayed up only for about a half hour before deciding we really were too tired to go on much longer and calling it a night.
posted by cori 7/16/2005 09:33:00 PM   4 comments
  • At 7/18/2005 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Leslie, what a sweet thing to do for my sweet and lovely daughter.
    She has been so blessed with friendships!

    Mrs. Horn

  • At 7/18/2005 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I can't tell you how much the party and weekend spent with you meant to me. My heart is full with the love of dear friends. Oh, how I will miss you all.

    For anyone who has not yet seen the beautiful scrapbook Leslie gave me, you'll have to come on over! What a treasure chest of memories. What an incredible, never-to-be-forgotten gift.

  • At 7/18/2005 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pink ice-cream cake with lemonade! Oooh, Aaahh, Eeeee! Yhis blog makes me hungry!

  • At 9/28/2005 5:14 PM, Blogger cori said…

    Leave it to the guys to elaborate on the food.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Milestone Events!
Would you believe it? After a month of having a big hole in the ground outside our back door, we finally have what appears to be an enormous back patio. (It's really an office and a family room in disguise.) Dad and James did most of the filling in and smoothing out. Mom and I helped as much as we could, which wasn't really much at all.

I think my biggest contribution was finding a tasty dinner that wasn't going to make everyone hotter than they already were. 'Sides, Dad loves cobb salad. It was either make it at home, or go to Bob Evans and have it. Granted, it was more work to make it myself, but that way everyone can have it made to order instead of setting aside the tomatoes and bleu cheese. Blech. Bleu cheese is gross. Mom says that's the whole point of having cobb salad, but I think the meat and egg slices are more important. James was practically appalled at the thought of putting salad dressing on his chicken. ("You mean I'm supposed to put one of those dressings on bacon and chicken??") We all took turns trying to convince him which dressing to use by elaborating on the best qualities of our respective favorites. But so much for my small contribution to the day's work.

Dad did a great job smoothing it all out. Somehow there did end up being a series of footprints in the cement, but it remains a mystery as to who the culprit was.

This is our new backyard.

This is the cement truck.

This is Dad and James watching the cement man pour the cement.

posted by cori 7/13/2005 09:42:00 AM   1 comments
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Monday, July 11, 2005
No, I'm not trying to confuse you.
I have decided to simply write whatever comes into my head starting now. Hope you don't mind. I also hope that it makes it to my fingertips in a slightly logical fashion so as to... what's the word I'm looking for?... I can't think of it... it's not convince... it's the opposite... I can't think of it. Where was I? Oh yes. Trying to be logical in my thought process. Well, we've already seen that go down the tubes. Does anyone else go on like this? Probably. Maybe not. Maybe it's just me.

The sky is clear today. It's awful bright out. I could be blinded if I tried to look out the window and then look back at this screen. How can it rain for two straight days and be so cold that I wish for a second jacket and then get so hot and sunny all of a sudden? And how on earth did I get sunburned when it was raining the whole day? Weird. Yet it's so. Oh yes. I thought of the word. It was dissuade. "I also hope that it makes it to my fingertips in a slightly logical fashion so as to dissuade everyone from thinking how completely nuts I am." Too late for that I guess.

I'm listening to the water pipes make noise. We have the washer going still. I made a mistake and put a new red towel in with the white clothes so now our white clothes are pink clothes. Mom's trying to fix that by running them through hot water a couple of times. Live and learn. Wish other people thought that way.

Hot tea. That's what I need. I've been so tired since I got up this morning. How exactly does a house get dirty when there's been no one here to get it that way? Usually our chores are done on Friday, but today is Monday. So on top of the usual laundry that we do every Monday, we also had vacuuming (sp?), sweeping, mopping, dishes, and bathrooms to clean. *makes a face at the thought of dirty dishes in the sink* Speaking of which, I have to hang my sleeping bag out on the clothesline sometime soon. I should probably wash it first.

Okay, now my thoughts are running on a tangent. They always do. But then, not having a specific subject to stay on, I can't really help digression. Oh yes. I remember. Tea. That's what I was thinking of. And other stuff. Man, I better get off here. Now I think of it. I have tons of stuff to do today.
posted by cori 7/11/2005 10:35:00 AM   1 comments
  • At 7/11/2005 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds as if someone came home from vacation! The loads of laundry and a house begging to be cleaned seems all too familiar. Getting away though is worth all the work in coming home. Hope you had a great time in NY.

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Thursday, July 07, 2005
What's a person supposed to write about when all she's been doing for the last few days is scrapbooking, shopping and reading? I can only let y'all know that I won't be blogging for the next few days. We're headed to a school reunion of my mom's. Camping out in a trailer for two days isn't always my cup of tea, but I can live with it for two days. On Saturday, James and I are looking forward to the big volleyball game at a picnic. What fun! Playing volleyball with tons of people I don't even know. James is definitely looking forward to that. (And the picnic fare, I'm sure.)

Should be and interesting weekend. See you all when it's over!
posted by cori 7/07/2005 05:56:00 PM   0 comments
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Monday, July 04, 2005
Cookie Doughn't You Want Some More?
What a name for an ice cream cone! Last night, we took ourselves out for ice cream at the Cold Stone Creamery. I so love that place. I can never get enough of their raspberry sorbet! It's so good! But aside from the ice cream itself, I had fun just being in the little ice cream shop. There's was much conversation and... banter... over the table for four. Mom and Dad shared their table for two. James, of course, pointed out that our "table for four" was the same size as their "table for two". Who else would've thought of it?

I totally forget what was so funny. I think it was Dad's allusion to running out of film. :)

posted by cori 7/04/2005 03:59:00 PM   8 comments
  • At 7/04/2005 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You girls look so adorable in that picture! I too love Cold Stone Creamery, although I've never been to it in NJ before. Must do that sometime.
    Happy 4th of July everyone!

  • At 7/05/2005 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They turned out great!
    we had so much fun- and will have to do it again sometime soon. Ya'll are so much fun to be with-

  • At 7/05/2005 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I knew it! I look like I have a face full of botox or something. I look like I am in dire pain. I Hate that with a capital H. Oh well. We did have a blast though!!!!! ;-)

  • At 7/06/2005 5:01 PM, Blogger cori said…

    You certainly do not. *sigh* (Honestly, some people have to bewail every photo of themselves.)

    You're right about having a blast! And you know I had to be having an exceptionally good time to forgive name calling. :P

  • At 7/07/2005 4:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are beautiful and handsome!
    Leslie, your smile is brilliant!
    The Star Festival is celebrated on July 7 in Japan. I wish good health to all your family under the stars. Maki,M

  • At 7/07/2005 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, if everyone else in that photo commented, then I suppose it is my duty to do so too. I can safely say we all had a blast that night. I don't know what my oreo overload was overloaded with, but whatever it was,it was loaded way over with it.

  • At 7/22/2005 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I realized what we were laughing at! Remember ya'll wanted to have the "nice" looking dishes in front of you instead of the one with the trash in it?...

  • At 9/28/2005 5:07 PM, Blogger cori said…

    Ha! That's right! OMS! You can see them in the picture!

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Such cuteness should not be passed over.
posted by cori 7/04/2005 03:52:00 PM   2 comments
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Saturday, July 02, 2005
A thing worth repeating
As I was catching up on my blog surfing today, (it amazes me how anyone can have time to keep up with them all) I came across a post by C.S. Hayden. I know it would be considered bad etiquette by certain of my readers, but defying that, I had to link to it, because it was such a good post. I don't know if any of you have read it yet. It's entitled 'The Authority of Scripture'.
posted by cori 7/02/2005 09:15:00 AM   1 comments
  • At 7/04/2005 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It was an admonition too for me. I thought I would have to be careful. I read it again.
    Thank you for your writing.

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The ShugaBowl
Sounds like some kind of sports thing, but in reality, the ShugaBowl is just a little hideaway for me, Sugarcube herself, to let loose my thoughts and occasional creativeness.

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Home: Fairborn, Ohio, United States
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