Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Beethoven vs. Groban
Mrs. Bell is the coolest piano teacher ever! Lauren and I have both decided to be like her when we grow up. Tonight was James’s and my first recital with her. The first half of the players were outside on the lawn with their keyboards, guitars and violins. James went first. He played the keyboard set to harpsichord. It sounded really cool because his piece was really in the Baroque style . Then came Manda & Derek who did a duet. Derek was on the keyboard and Manda played the guitar. She did a smashing job at the end when she played solo. James played his violin again, a duet with Mrs. B. Excellent job.

The second half of the students played indoors on Mrs. B’s nice new piano. Everyone moved inside and squeezed into the living room. There were kids on the stairs, grandparents on the porch and people in the doorways. I went first and played my Moonlight Sonata. *heaves a great sigh* I so love that song. It’s not real hard to play because you can play it extra slow and set the pace yourself. Monique & Joseph Hoffman were after me. They played a really fun duet. Their timing was perfect. A mastered song. Derek played next, a gorgeous song by Josh Groban. I can’t remember what it was called, but he did a excellent job. Everyone, of course, made their little mistakes, but I think that we all covered them up really well, or at least moved on gracefully.

But it was after the recital that it got really fun. Pizza in the dining room, desserts on the porch and sodas on the lawn. What more could you ask for? Well, how about riding on golf carts and playing chicken in the middle of the field with another crazy driver that you’ve never met before? That’s what we did. Dana spied an empty cart and I drove her around the field once. We didn’t have many adventures the first time around because I wasn’t real sure that golf cart would fit through the paths. It was just the two of us that time. The next time I drove, Dana and I drove around a little and spied the abandoned golf cart of our arch enemies hidden in the bushes. Okay, so it was really only that the boys had left theirs’ for a little walk. We spotted a Monique and an Amanda coming towards us at top speed through the field, so we made a short detour to pick up the distressed damsels in our flashy car. I think I finally gave Manda an idea as to why exactly I haven’t gotten that driving license yet. The louder they yelled, the faster I went and the sharper I turned. Aha! There are the guys again! They all yelled even louder as Derek came closer.

And (good heavens!) can you imagine? We went around again! This time, after giving up my seat to Mom while Manda drove, I held on the back while Derek drove. About half way around, I’d had quite enough of his driving me into every bush along the side of the path, ducking under the lowest branch he could find, and switched to the front seat where James was. Juney kept telling me, “Don’t let me fall off!” The cart started going real slow after a while from the battery running low. (gee, I wonder how that could have happened) And since it was going at a safe pace, Derek let Juney drive for the last leg of the journey.
posted by cori 6/01/2005 09:43:00 PM  
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Derek on the keyboard (playing with Manda)
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">The violin duet
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Manda's guitar solo. (Great job, girl!)
James's first piece, The Rondeau.
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