Monday, July 11, 2005
No, I'm not trying to confuse you.
I have decided to simply write whatever comes into my head starting now. Hope you don't mind. I also hope that it makes it to my fingertips in a slightly logical fashion so as to... what's the word I'm looking for?... I can't think of it... it's not convince... it's the opposite... I can't think of it. Where was I? Oh yes. Trying to be logical in my thought process. Well, we've already seen that go down the tubes. Does anyone else go on like this? Probably. Maybe not. Maybe it's just me.

The sky is clear today. It's awful bright out. I could be blinded if I tried to look out the window and then look back at this screen. How can it rain for two straight days and be so cold that I wish for a second jacket and then get so hot and sunny all of a sudden? And how on earth did I get sunburned when it was raining the whole day? Weird. Yet it's so. Oh yes. I thought of the word. It was dissuade. "I also hope that it makes it to my fingertips in a slightly logical fashion so as to dissuade everyone from thinking how completely nuts I am." Too late for that I guess.

I'm listening to the water pipes make noise. We have the washer going still. I made a mistake and put a new red towel in with the white clothes so now our white clothes are pink clothes. Mom's trying to fix that by running them through hot water a couple of times. Live and learn. Wish other people thought that way.

Hot tea. That's what I need. I've been so tired since I got up this morning. How exactly does a house get dirty when there's been no one here to get it that way? Usually our chores are done on Friday, but today is Monday. So on top of the usual laundry that we do every Monday, we also had vacuuming (sp?), sweeping, mopping, dishes, and bathrooms to clean. *makes a face at the thought of dirty dishes in the sink* Speaking of which, I have to hang my sleeping bag out on the clothesline sometime soon. I should probably wash it first.

Okay, now my thoughts are running on a tangent. They always do. But then, not having a specific subject to stay on, I can't really help digression. Oh yes. I remember. Tea. That's what I was thinking of. And other stuff. Man, I better get off here. Now I think of it. I have tons of stuff to do today.
posted by cori 7/11/2005 10:35:00 AM  
  • At 7/11/2005 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds as if someone came home from vacation! The loads of laundry and a house begging to be cleaned seems all too familiar. Getting away though is worth all the work in coming home. Hope you had a great time in NY.

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