Thursday, December 29, 2005
Deck Them Halls and All That Jazz - Part One
Finally! I have a long enough period of free time to slow down and blog!

It seems like life has been moving at light speed as we prepared for the Christmas holiday. Between working at the store and being busy there, and shopping on my off hours and sewing a little when I got the chance, I haven't had much time to do much else.

My grandma came out to spend the holiday with us. She is here now. Let's see, I could start with her arrival and narrate from there.

Friday, December 23

I think I remember my first thought that morning being something like "Man, I have to get up and clean this room before I go to work or Grandma won't be able to walk in here."

So I did.

Then I went to work.

What a hectic day. Why is it that men wait until two days before Christmas to go shopping for their wives and mothers? You could tell who was shopping last minute and who was picking up a last minute thing because the guys that came in for last minute things didn't buy a card. They already had their cards and gifts at home. They were just looking around to find some other little thing to add to it.

The other fellows, the last-minute shoppers, bought cards and spent about twenty minutes deciding whether or not their wife already had that Precious Moments figurine. "What's the newest one you have?" I don't know how many men asked me that on Friday. They didn't really know what their wife had or which one she would like, so they wanted the newest one so they'd know she didnt' already have it. Then, of course, they wanted it wrapped. Do guys not like wrapping? Are they just inept at it? What's the deal? Only about half the ladies wanted their stuff wrapped. I'd say about 90% of the guys did. And if they bought more than one thing, they wanted it all wrapped in the same paper, with the same color bow, and here, tape this card to it. Now their wife could see how coordinated they were at wrapping presents. ;) Whatever.

I was wrapping presents in my sleep that night.

I got home, but Grandma wasn't there yet. Daddy had gone with the Jbear to pick her up in Lancaster. My aunt was to bring her half-way, and then the guys were going to bring her here. But they weren't back yet. So I hurried to make up the bed with clean sheets and tried to get in a little last minute sewing before James got back.

Grandma came. After getting in all her luggage and things, we sat in the living room and contemplated a package that Joy V. had sent me. Just as I started to open it, after shooting down all opposition from those not concerned in the matter, the doorbell rang.

Now at my house, a ringing doorbell can only mean one thing. When you answer it, there are inevitably people on the other side of the Davis description who promptly begin to sing. It matters not what time of year it may be. It could be Christmas carols. It may be just that they feel like making you smile with another number, but sure enough, we opened the door and there stood Derek, Danielle and Dana, wishing us a merry christmas.

They had brought over some gifts for Christmas for James and I. Thanks, guys! I so loved it! It was so funny to see that present and hear Derek say that and actually wonder if he really had gone out and bought that. :)

Saturday, December 24
Christmas Eve

You remember how I said there were a lot of guys in the store Friday? Well, I think I might have waited on ten ladies all day long. It was a long day, but at four o'clock no one was in the store but us chickens and we closed up.


Seafood has been the traditional Christmas Eve dinner for many years past. I don't remember when we started it. I know we didn't always have it that way. We used to have turkey and then have the sandwiches for lunch on Christmas Day. However, since we kids have gotten older and expressed a liking for shrimp and crabs, we have had them on Christmas Eve and started a new tradition.

After dinner, I locked myself in my bedroom and didn't let anyone near me for about a half-hour while I wrapped up all my presents in dark blue paper with little singing angels on it and the words Joy to the World in four different colors. Each present had a matching white ribbon tied around it with little curlie ties on the ends.

Walking downstairs, I found my family engaged in their second viewing of It's a Wonderful Life for the season. By the time that was finished, we all got ready for bed. I've been bunking on the couch since my grandma's been visiting, so I was all snuggled in my warm blanket clutching the ever popular stuffed animal and ready for sleep when the light upstairs came on.

"Goodness, what now?" I thought.

Mom came down and headed to the kitchen. "I can't stand the thought of getting up tomorrow to a sink full of dishes and a dirty kitchen."

Well, frankly, I wasn't looking forward to it either. So we did the dishes that night until ten thirty. I don't like doing them that late usually, but when the next day is Christmas and you know very well you're not going to want to take the time then, well, you know how it goes.

Sunday, December 25
Christmas Day

I tried to sleep later, but when you're sleeping on the couch, you get up when the first riser gets up. Oh well, I had buttonholes to sew onto my vest and skirt before church anyway. That took a while. Not the buttonholes, but the buttons. I was surprised I even got them done. In the car and on our way, we were there in the usual thirty minutes it takes to get there.

Pastor Cattell gave his black Christmas ornament sermon. The one we've been hearing about since November from the Smith children. It was essentially the message of the wordless book, only he used Christmas balls instead. James and Adrienne and I had a special music piece to play. Masters in the Hall was the song of choice. We'd practiced it once together, but we did pretty well in spite of it. James and I played our Carol of the Bells. Everyone likes that song. It's so fun to play.

At home, we opened our presents to each other in between getting dinner ready and answering phone calls from distant family members. Mom and Daddy bought me a serger (!) and some extremely pretty and soft sweaters. James gave me the DVD National Treasure, which I thought was very perceptive of him. (My hints were pretty blunt, though. "Hey James, know what you can get me for Christmas?") New pj's and puzzles and cookies and my favorite little strawberry candies and a teacup and Bath&Body Works stuff were all received from grandparents, aunts and uncles. Grandma Thompson gave me a really sweet white sweater with a belt that ties at the waist. It's long and lacy and meant to be worn over an outfit.

Mom got some new dresses and skirts and games and puzzles. Daddy got his Xbox and games to go with it. James got everything from chocolates to an umbrella to cologne. ;)

I spent the afternoon on the edge of my seat (again). I watched NT for about the fourth time. It's always exciting. I totally love Riley Poole. :) Then I watched as Dad wrecked his fancy new car in the races. Then he tried to show me how to drive and we all realized the real reason I don't have a license.

Being as I had to work the next day, I went to bed at a fairly decent hour. Ten-thirty? or so? Whatever.

Ok, now I'm going to post this so y'all can read it before I have to write again about the holiday fun we had after the holiday. :)
posted by cori 12/29/2005 12:16:00 PM  
  • At 12/29/2005 3:11 PM, Blogger The Horn Family said…

    I shouldn't read your blog. It always makes me homesick!

    Sounds like you had a terrific Christmas. I love the way you write - you describe things so vividly. Only you would be able to make the button holes and sew on the buttons to your Christmas outfit before leaving for church. Your quickness in sewing never ceases to amaze me!

    May you have a wonderful, blessed and Happy New Year.


  • At 12/30/2005 8:58 AM, Blogger cori said…

    How could I forget?!? What those guys thought when you screamed like that I wish I knew, but by the way they called out and asked if everything was alright, I figure we better not try that one again.

    Good heavens, girl!

  • At 1/09/2006 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hahaha! "Chris" sounds like fun!

  • At 1/17/2006 5:39 PM, Blogger cori said…

    I didn't scream! That was a different night.


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