Sunday, August 06, 2006
MusiCollege in Retrospect
Why is it that whenever I do something blogsome, I am always so tired afterward that I don't wish to write about it. I'd so much rather talk to my people in person. But since that is so seldom an option anymore, blogging must be my outlet.

Thank you's go out to Mr. Smith for be willing to drive all the way out to the Kravets's home for the weekend. I'd have had a long walk were it not for you.

Thank you's go out to Mrs. Kravets as well for the hospitality she showed to so many guests in her home this weekend. That pasta dinner she made was so good!

It was great fun to visit with the Kravets family Wednesday night. Listening to their strings play such beautiful songs! It was wonderful to sit and have a concert almost all to myself. :)

Sitting next to David was enjoyable. He was a little elusive and quiet at first, but once he found I thought he was older than his actual nine years, he was very pleased and started to talk to me more. He has such a nice smile. I love to make him use it. :) Agustie disappeared with him during most of the music practice. I found out later they had been wrapping newspapers for delivery the next morning.

At seven the next morning, I was dressed and on my way to Lansdale. The day was filled with voice classes for me, sound design classes for James, conductors' courses for Derek and instrumental classes for Agustie and Yuriy. I didn't see Mr. Smith until lunch, when we decided to hike across the road for a trip to Wawa. Derek quickly established his place as march leader, which position he held every time we were required to cross the streets. Yuriy did not join us for lunch. I was told he was practicing, but as this is secondhand knowledge, and not necessarily remembered correctly, I could be wrong.

The afternoon passed in the same manner as the morning. Toting a black and khaki bag, each member of our group went his separate way. More voice classes for me. Honestly, they were more like yoga sessions than otherwise. And greatly diverting. The speaker, Chris Gilliam, was able to impart his knowledge with a clarity and ease which made his classes great fun. He was easy to listen to, funny to watch, and expressed his ideas without the offensiveness which can so often be given when speaking on the subject of godly music. I greatly enjoyed his classes, and was only disappointed when I was not able to participate in the master class Friday evening as I had planned.

The dinner hour found myself and four friends at Applebee's. A wrong turn, lots of teasing, chicken ceasar salad and some rather revolting dinner conversation later, we were ready to return with still an hour to kill before the next session. We spent some time in one of my favorite activities, that is, singing along to Derek's piano playing. The time flew quickly as it always does when I'm singing with my friends and choir practice took up the remainder of the evening.

Eventually, I located Derek and James, then Yuriy and finally the Smiths before setting off toward the Kravets' home. It took us some time to get going, as there was a misunderstanding about some other young folks who were staying the night. When we realized that they had already left for the house, we were able to pile into the cars and set off. Yuriy rode in the van with Mr. Smith, Agustie and me. James and D followed behind. We got about halfway when we hit some really wicked traffic. Conversation hit several different topics, but mostly centered around music. Yuriy has offered to teach me how to play the trumpet or the French horn, but I have yet to convince my dad. :)

By the time we hit the hay, it was already well past eleven. I slept like a rock. All that posture practice during the day, making sure my shoulders were back and my knees were bent and my head was high and my breath was low and my notes were clear had really knocked me out. I was so ready for bed, I nearly fell asleep at the dining table, where I sat nibbling a cookie from the tray Mrs. Kravets had set out with some juice for us.

Six o'clock came early and with it the loud banging of Yuriy at the door. *WHACK* It wasn't really a knock. Just one loud whack and an "are you awake?" whereat I sat straight up and figured if I wasn't before, I'd better be. I peeked out the door and saw the bathroom door closed. I could hear the shower running and figured it was James. Life became exciting two minutes later as I sat on the floor and packed up my books and hair stuff. At the sight of a small round ball of fur with a tail, I jumped to the bed and called for Derek to "get in here." He, finding me curled up and quite upset, asked what was wrong. Agustie seemed quite disgusted with my fear of such a cute, little mouse, but Derek quickly resolved the situation by declaring, after he chased it directly underneath where I was sitting, that he had seen it run out the door. I am still unsure of whether he was telling the truth or no, but I was certainly glad at the time that, if he was lying, he did not let on. :)

Day two was similar to day one with slight variations. Yuriy let me know right away that I was not his mother and had no right to tell him that a chocolate-covered custard-filled donut was insufficient as a morning meal. I retorted that I had not said anything of the sort. And he replied that, with the look I gave him, words were unnecessary. (Yuriy, I wish I had a photo of you mimicking me. I'm still laughing at that.) Breakfast began with my sitting at the table with a chocolate-covered custard-filled donut I didn't want to eat, hit the halfway point with a phonecall from Derek, and ended by seeing Yuriy look back to observe the death look I had shot in Derek's direction.

More voice classes. More posture practice. Patch the Pirate and Sissy Seagull. The morning passed quickly. I was never in need of a watch to glance at until the end of each session when I couldn't believe it was over so quickly. The voice classes were so packed that people were still trying to come in after there was standing room only. We had to move downstairs to the auditorium to accomodate the classes.

Lunchtime hit and we went for pizza at the same place we'd gone the last year we attended. Between all of us, we finished off one pizza. Yuriy joined us this time. He had to. It has now become tradition. :) Derek found enjoyment scouting out a fella for me. The guy with the rag on his head was a definite "no", no matter how impressed I was told I should be by said hairdo.

The Smiths left after the last session that afternoon, before dinner. Yuriy became almost panicked when he found they had left as, last he knew, his change of clothes were still hanging in the backseat. He declined the invitation to join us at dinner, so with only three of us left, we made another tradition by eating at McDonald's. I felt like I was reliving the scene. Fast food never takes long to eat and we had gone back to the church before others had even left. I found the Stennet girls sitting in the sanctuary while awaiting the return of their personally designated pizza man.

Mom and Dad drove out to get us from the concert. We spent about an hour after the service getting signatures, taking photos and saying goodbye to people. Derek had not participated in the concert, but had instead chosen to take shots with Lauren's camera. (Hoping to see those, btw.)

So that's that.
posted by cori 8/06/2006 06:54:00 PM  
  • At 8/07/2006 1:55 PM, Blogger Nancy said…

    It sounds like you had a lot of fun! I so wanted to go to the MusiCollege this year, but my parents said we'd have to wait till next year. :( Oh well! I most likely would've given Yuriy the same look you did about eating that chocolate covered custard filled donut (gag)!! :) I don't like sweets, though, so my look probably would've been a little more deadly.

  • At 8/07/2006 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Excuse me??????

    Since we live in "Land of the free and home of the brave, I can eat all the donuts I for breakfast.

    Leslie, that's the last time you're staying over our house!

    You: got mad at the pet I got you,lied about whacking the door etc.....basicaly you ruined my life!!!! were'nt all that bad :) I need some "motherly care" once in a while......

    I will be back if I find any more mistakes......

  • At 8/07/2006 8:23 PM, Blogger Nancy said…

    easy there, boy!

  • At 8/08/2006 9:37 AM, Blogger cori said…

    Y.K.- HEY! That is not an appropriate pet to give a girl! Anyone else would've had the same reaction and most people would've taken it as an insult!

    And that death look was directed at D, not you.

    PS:Glad you made it to my site. :)

    Nancy- Happy to have an ally in the war against donuts. ;) Also glad that I can look forward to getting to know you via the web and maybe we can meet up next year at Musicollege. What say?

  • At 8/08/2006 9:38 AM, Blogger cori said…

    And just to clear it all up, I don't tell lies on my posts, Y. This is life according to me, and to me it sounded like a whack. So there. :p

  • At 8/08/2006 9:55 AM, Blogger Nancy said…

    Leslie, I can tell already that you and I should get along just fine. Did you throw your 'pet' at Yuriy? I would have!! :) I say YES to meeting at the MusiCollege next year!!! :D If I can go, that is.

  • At 8/08/2006 4:27 PM, Blogger cori said…

    No! I didn't throw it! I wouldn't have touched it if they had caught it!

  • At 8/08/2006 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I never said their was a problem with the Trumpet or Horn.

  • At 8/08/2006 10:27 PM, Blogger Nancy said…

    Les, I thought of that as soon as I asked you. I probably wouldn't have touched it either, unless I knew I could do some damage with it. *evil laugh*

  • At 8/09/2006 9:35 AM, Blogger cori said…

    You mean I can learn to play the trumpet???

  • At 8/09/2006 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    *^Crosses fingers*

    Leslie, do you smell a breakthrough....?

  • At 8/10/2006 9:57 AM, Blogger cori said…

    You're crossing your fingers? Cross some for me too!!!

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