Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Totally have to catch up on events here
James and I received a phone call from the Davis household bestowing an invitation to a birthday party for Danielle on Monday. Seventeen!! I can't believe it. Didn't she just turn sixteen last year?? Anyway, when James and I got there, everyone was in the midst of either eating dinner or cleaning up. After the usual "ice tea welcome" from Derek, we sat down at the table to wait till there was an opening to jump into. (We never have to wait long.) The first thing I heard about was Nathan's new remote control Jeep that he had from Jeremy for his birthday. I think the batteries were already starting to die down. As I was checking that out and seeing how absolutely awesome his Jeep was, someone started to chase him with threats of tickling. :) Nathan moves pretty fast.

It's an great joke to listen to two Davis siblings argue over who's turn it is to do something. Dishes, for instance, are especially quirky. Do y'all come up with a new excuse every night or do you do that just to give your friends something to watch? Manda started setting the table and I fell to washing dishes, when all of a sudden an orange and white flash came tearing through the kitchen. I turned to see what it was and what should I see when these lightning fast blurs slowed down, but Derek and Kyle using each other for dishtowel target practice. My attention was called away from this display of prowess by a voice at the kitchen window. "Hey! You're not Andrea! I thought she was doing dishes?" Peter had seen an unfamiliar blonde at the window and I assume mistook yours truly for someone else. Shall I turn around again? Dare I? Manda was beheading the black-eyed susans when I did. Flower power. She spread them on the table to decorate with ribbons and such other fun things.

Danny came down seemingly surprised at the preparations. I am to assume she knew nothing of them? We sang "Happy Birthday" and she blew out the candles. I'm not sure if she had any left. She had two cakes so I couldn't decide if allowances should be made for taking an extra breath between candles or if we should count all four that were left after the first go around. The cake was so good. Chocolate and peanut butter. MM-HHMMM!! With ice cream, no less.

After she'd opened her gifts, (chinese lanterns, pet tarantulas, tickets to London, etc.) four of us moved back to the kitchen to play Spoons. (No, not musically. Spoons aren't really that musical.) I was somewhat confused at first, as they way Derek and Kyle play was similar, but not exactly the same, to the way I had learned. I had to stop several times to clarify exactly when are we supposed to grab the spoon? Then I taught them how to play Rummy. It's not hard, but I've been playing it with Grandpa for years and so I had way more points than they did.

Realizing that there was a decided interest in whatever was going on in the next room, we adjourned there. It was not the movie on the tv that was attracting such attention as we had thought, but the computer game Danielle was playing. (James took her through all the so-scary-I-nearly-jumped-out-of-my-skin parts.) Not interested in the game, Derek suggested watching previews for different movies. I know this may seem strange to some people, but I love to watch previews. They're so cool. And they make me want to watch a movie. Even if I've already seen it. (Has anyone seen the teasers for Luther? They are awesome!) We only got through two before my mom came to pick us up.

Thanks, Davises, for having us over! I had a blast!

P.S.- I was kidding about the tarantulas and the tickets to Europe, btw.
posted by cori 7/20/2005 05:35:00 PM  
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