Thursday, August 11, 2005
A fair prospect
I always was horrible at keeping secrets. Well, actually, I can keep them very well if I'm not called on to say anything. Though it's not a secret really, this is my reason for not blogging lately. I just don't like to tell stuff that's not settled yet.

Now, after that confusing little narrative, I suppose you're wondering what I could possibly have to say that's so secretive? (Even though it's not really a secret?) I'm planning to head out to ATI headquarters next month. Rather sudden some of you may think. Well, it would be if you had no knowledge that such a plan was in the making. But I suppose it is somewhat sudden, seeing as how last month I had no notion of such a plan, and this month I am in the middle of making preparations.

And these preparations are numerous and unorganized. (Was I ever organized?) From the moment we decided to pursue volunteering to work on staff at HQ, a million things have been running through my mind. Finishing Dad's website before I leave; teaching James how to clean a bathtub; getting my jaw fixed so I can open it again; teaching Manda the basics of algebra (never knew how hard it could be to explain something that seems so simple to me now to someone who has never seen a y that equals an x, but then I remember learning it myself. Oh! the frustration! the tears that flowed when I would get angry with myself for not understanding what seemed so simple to the teacher!); overhauling my wardrobe; etc. And for those of you who know the interest I take in clothing style, you know that, for me, trying to pull this year's fall fashions into a navy and white atmosphere is a difficult thing indeed.

So off we went to the store.

With a list in hand, I shopped for shoes. I shopped for jackets. And I shopped for fabric. I know some people wonder why on earth I like to sew so much. Could I sum it up by telling you that I'd rather pay $2 for a yard of fabric and make the new shirt than go to the store and pay $29.99 for the same shirt at Macy's? Besides, everyone must wear my size clothes, because I never can find them. Mom and I went to the mall last week on purpose to shop for clothes. Would you believe I didn't find a single thing? Not anything! *sigh* It's so exasperrating!

On our way home from shopping yesterday, Dad called the cell phone and asked if we'd rather have dinner at home, or go to the Salem County Fair and eat there? Oh fun! So when he got home and decided that our kitchen light was broken, (I could write an on-going saga about that light. It's been out for two weeks now. Try washing dishes in the dark.) we headed out towards Cowtown.

There weren't any rides at the fair, which was rather disappointing because I was looking forward to one particular ride called the Scrambler. (We've got to find one of those rides, Mom. We could set it up in the backyard! You think?) But it was fun to walk around and look at the 4-H displays and see the different shops set up that sold everything from baby toys, to jewelry, to log cabin homes, to sno-cones. I love sno-cones! I got a cherry one. They're kinda hard to eat after a while because it's in a paper cone, and you have to tip it up just right to get the ice to slide down without hitting you in the nose. :)

Daddy bought me a dozen roses from a fellow selling them at the fair. They are so pretty! Kind of a purpley-mauve color. And they opened up beautifully when I put them in water.

So, that's what I've been doing lately. Guess I'll update you with more as it happens.
posted by cori 8/11/2005 12:30:00 PM  
  • At 8/11/2005 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Les,
    I have been wondering all week about how on earth we will manage our visits together if you're at HQ and I'm in Texas. We simply must work this out. Living far away will be bad enough, but not seeing you on my return trips to Jersey would be awful.

    The roses are absolutely beautiful. I've never seen roses of that particular color before.

    Although I check your blog on a daily basis now, after you leave, I'll be an even more faithful reader.

    Bunches of love!

  • At 8/12/2005 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    w0w! So you're working at HQ! have fun!

  • At 8/12/2005 9:30 PM, Blogger cori said…

    Hi Leah! Glad to see you found me online!

    You know, re-reading this post, it strikes me as a wonder that anyone is able to make sense of anything I say.

  • At 8/16/2005 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cori: We all know you so that makes it easier, but then too, we all have rambled on without stopping to make things clear or concise. Now don't think that I am calling your post an unlear, non-concise rambling (per se :) I'm just simply commenting.

  • At 9/28/2005 5:46 PM, Blogger cori said…

    Per se? Are you insinuating without actually saying?

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