Saturday, July 23, 2005
Second blogging of the day
As I sit here contemplating the computer screen before me, my thoughts wander. They don't wander aimlessly. No, they have a purpose, a distinct mission. I am trying desperately to remember where I put the cable that connects my video camera to the television. My thoughts have to go back quite some time, because I have not used either the cord or the camera in more than a year. I was thinking this morning how great it was that I knew where the camera was. You'd think the cord would be in the box with the camera, but, no, that would be too simple. Perhaps if my mind wandered elsewhere for a while, it would stumble across something useful. (I like to flatter myself that it would.)

All our guests are gone home. The baby shower is over. It was quite fun. Everyone seemed to have a good time. We always play lots of games when we host parties at our house. Mom and I try to get creative and not play games that we have done before. We had an especially difficult time because we just had a baby shower for Emily not too long ago. First we played a game where you pass a poem around the room to different people according to different variables such as their clothing, purse size, age and earring style. Joy ended up being the last person and won a prize for the merit of being on Mrs. Bruce's left. The next game was also won by Emily, who knew that a rabble was a group of bats, and a pod was a family of porpoises. (Is that pluralized correctly? Who knows?)

This is James. (Obviously.) He was the cameraman for the day.


The cake went over well. I made it from looking at a picture in a cake decorating book that my mom showed me. We saw it in the store, said "Oh cute!" and bought the decorations and pans right then and there. The original was much larger with four tiers, but we only had a few people coming so we didn't need that much cake. (Besides, if I had to put many more frosting stars on, I think I'd have had a problem with my coordination eventually.) Here's a picture of it.

Skeptics. They always look like they don't believe a word you're telling them. (JK!)

Aunt Garnie came a little late due to a fishing trip by Uncle Sam. We were so glad she could come. I had told her the shower would probably be over by 3:30 or so, but she showed up anyway and we all stayed around until 4:30.


After cake and punch and chips, we (can you guess?) played more games! Of course! Games are designed to be fun and who doesn't like to have fun? (What else could we do when our guest of honor was a thousand miles away?) We played a really fun game called Bloomers. Now, this was a really really interesting twist on Hot Potato. I didn't actually get to see the game played because I was on the piano playing the music. There was a gift wrapped box passed around the room. It was wrapped several times and contained a pair of bloomers. The person stuck with the box at the end of the game had to wear them for the rest of the shower. It went around and it went around and ended up at Aunt Garnie. She was somewhat distraught until she opened the box and found two flowers to pin on her shirt. :)

Aunt Garnie is blindfolded for another game we played called Pins&Rice. Blindfolded and presented with bowl of rice and safety pins, each lady had one minute to find as many pins as she could. You'd be surprised at how hard it is to tell the difference! Joy especially liked this game. Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Bruce were our winners with five pins each. (I had found nine, but I had tried it out this morning to see just how hard it was.) Everyone seemed to have a different level of sensitivity in their fingertips, because some ladies came up with only one pin. Aunt Garnie made the comment "You'd think a Japanese woman would be able to tell the difference between safety pins and rice!" apparently somewhat frustrated after having been poked by one of her pins.

The last game we played was guessing game. I gave the guests a clue, and they came up with the answer. Each answer was a kind of candy. For instance, my clue was "hospital bill" and Cara guessed Payday. (The answer could actually be Payday or 100 Grand, which was the candy bar we bought, and hence, she won.) Mrs. Bruce won a box of Sugarbabies for guessing "hospital nursery", and Mrs. Horn won a MilkyWay for guessing "feeding time."

James and Mom are sitting in the living room now, watching the video on the camera because all this mind wandering hasn't done any good. I still don't know where that cable is at. What am I going to do?
posted by cori 7/23/2005 05:59:00 PM  
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