Thursday, October 27, 2005
A great little group
This is a shot of my friends and I at the staff center at HQ. A very cool group people that seemed to somehow congregate together all the time. :)
I had other friends I hung out with, but these folks are the ones I was with most.
Left to right: Ruining, Brittany, Matt, Leslie (me) and Jonathan |
posted by cori
10/27/2005 01:47:00 PM
I miss you so much! It was very sad when you left. I did meet Peter Pan, and OMS, that was an experiance...;)I don't know who I'm going to annoy now that he's going to be leaving, it's very sad.
I am home alone now, as 5 emptied out today of all but me.... Fun stuff. ;D
Great picture!
What does "LYLAS" mean? I'm not trying to be nosy, but I am curious.
Bree, I think I have sent this one to you by now.
Beck, there's always someone to tease. You just have to find them. ;)
Richleau, LYLAS means love ya like a sister. Thanks, I like the hat too. (So did everyone else.)
Where's the Lost Boy? Haven't seen him on here lately.
HQ people, say hi to Jonathan for me. k?
hey im on here still. Its really late at night and so I'm writing to you to tell you to post again. (jk,jk) ;-D and for anybody else who is reading this right now, shouldent you be doing something really important right now?? Well, maby not all of yall but those who are, this is just a reminder!!! Hey, I have a grand idea lets start a couragous convesation on the "leave your comment" site. Just if any body has any thing to say, pipe up!! Let the subject be........umm... on how the fall colors look. Ok. We now have a subject. My imput is that I LOVE the colors that the trees are producing. One tree I saw looked like it was on fire!! And my other impute is that this is the LONGEST comment Ive ever written!!! So TTFN
Um, how can we have a courageous conversation about fall? CCs are supposed to be about people. But we can try.
I love the fall colors, but I think what I like best about fall is the tangy dried-up smell of the leaves. *inhales deeply* Aaahh! Love it.
Lizzy- i love your hat?? were did you get it??
That's a funny story itself, but Walmart, girl, Walmart. :)
Fall! I LOVE Fall (or Autumn, whichever you prefer). I love apple cider - from Mood's of course;) - and seeing maple trees turn themselves into a brilliant blaze of golden glory before spreading an ethreal carpet of colors around them like a skirt. I love getting out my favorite scarf (merino wool from Express :) from the attic and wearing it out on blistery cold days! I love sipping Suisse Mocha chocolate on the sofa while watching tongues of flame devour freshly split pine-wood logs in the fire-place. I love fall!
See, D, I knew you could write with flare if you tried. :)
Yes I'm coming out of my old crusty, boring, outer shell. JK :)
Well, I have to say that you and thewillieman would get along great with your love of fall. :) It is a wonderful season of the year. I never used to like it because it meant that winter was on the way. And y'all know what I think of that. ;)
is thewillieman the same guy as the lost boy?
Lost Boy: where are you? how did you get lost?
yes, thewillieman and thelostboy are one and the same. he got lost when i didn't see him online. :)
sorry, i didn't realize he wasn't signing himself the same way anymore.
Well, I technically am not lost. And Im right here. But I have many aliases to go by- Matthew, Willie, Perry, Thewillieman, The lost boy, Mr. X, Matt, William, Willson, Mathaiatis and my LEAST favorite, and I quote " Hey you!" Any way, Im not lost, and I dont know why I felt commpelled to write my name as so....Anywho. And there is one more thing I have to say and that is that we have broken a world record for the most comments! 19!!! Oh yeh! So, CTYL( That stands for c-omment, t-o, y-ou, l-ater) :-# :-} :-) :-\ :->
Oh, BTW, wow, I have to say to richleau(Whoever that is in real life) that you are a awsome poet. I mean that you left an awsome comment. You should to try to write as a hobbie or something. No kidding.
Willieman, what are you doing online so late at night?
Revealing secret identities will have to be left up to those that own them. ;)
Lost Boy: Let me just say that witnessed a very rare side of me when you read my "poetic" comment. Because the cold hard fact is: I HATE to write! Sure, I CAN write but I don't like to at all. Except, of course for these short blurbs we call comments :~)
BTW I'm Cori's adopted brother (or was it the other way around...I'm clueless)
Cori: I called your cell earlier today and left a message but (hahahahaha) I forgot to tell you who I was! *grin* Anyway, now you know. And tell Damien I'll get back to him.
i thought you were damien?
And if you think I can't recognize your voice/laugh by now, we have a serious problem.
What happened to the CC about fall?
Well, we were talking about fall until D swept us away by his profound statements. After that, what's to say?
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Sounds like some kind of sports thing, but in reality, the ShugaBowl is just a little hideaway for me, Sugarcube herself, to let loose my thoughts and occasional creativeness. |
I miss you so much! It was very sad when you left. I did meet Peter Pan, and OMS, that was an experiance...;)I don't know who I'm going to annoy now that he's going to be leaving, it's very sad.
I am home alone now, as 5 emptied out today of all but me.... Fun stuff. ;D