Tuesday, October 18, 2005
ok here it is
alright, I'm here at the library now. I walked down with Amy Farmer who is a new girl in our house. She wanted to come so she could check her email. Tonight the girls at my house are taking me into Chicago for McDonald's for my birthday. I don't know if that's all we're doing. Might try to convince them to make a Starbucks run. Those are always fun. I have been busy this week. Because it's my last, everyone wants to spend time with me and I haven't had a chance to get online and blog to you all.

Saturday, I went with Brittany to babysit some kids nearby. We took them to the playground and then made them lunch. By the time that was over, we only had time to put together a puzzle or two before their aunt came to pick them up. They were such dolls! Tyler was eight, I think. And Brett was six and Emilie was two. It was great fun.

Then when I got home, I cleaned the kitchen with Anna. We had house inspection scheduled for Monday and so we had to move furniture and scrub ovens and the whole works. At around three o'clock, I left to go play ultimate frisbee with Anna and everyone else. My room could wait. It wasn't that messy. Ok, it was, but I really didn't want to clean it just then.

Ultimate was cool. I stood and watched for a while and when I thought I knew how to play, I moved close enough for someone to invite me to join. That was fun. Our house had dinner prep, so I missed staff meeting. I spent the dinner hour chatting with Beth Stearn, who I normally work with but who had been gone for two weeks on vacation. She invited me to church in the morning. Fun!

So I went with her family to Independent Baptist Church. A lot of the institute people go there. Afterward, they stopped at Walmart and I bought a new hat. I had been meaning to get a new one, but hadn't gotten out in a while. So I wore it that afternoon. I was talking on the cellphone to James for, oh an hour at least, and then I went to the staff center where I was supposed to meet Brittany, Matt and Jonathan Bolden for some MadGab before staff meeting. It was fun. Grace and her grandmother were there and played with us. I met Amy that night. No, it was Saturday night that I met her. Anyway, I didn't really get to know her until last night.

We went to the nursing home across the street for singing and Amy was there. She and Brittany and I stayed in our kitchen, after an unforgettable car ride home, and chatted until nine when Bree had to leave. THen we had house devos and chatted some more. So now Amy has become part of our little group of friends. Matt met her today and she's met everyone in the ATI department. I have to take her on a tour of the building tomorrow so she can meet everyone else.

I gotta go. Alicia's supposed to pick up up like right now. bye.
posted by cori 10/18/2005 06:46:00 PM  
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