Thursday, November 03, 2005
Running into Old Friends
Well, here I am again, blogging about my everydays. Yesterday, Mom took James and I over to Jess's house. We watched movies for most of the morning and then went back to Grandma's to pick her up and go shopping. We were going to go to JoAnn's Fabrics and BabiesRUs, but we ended up only going to the baby store. Bummer. Maybe we'll go other places today. There's a ColdStone and a Starbucks on my mental map now that I know where they are, however, no one else really cares for those places I guess. I'll just have to change that and get them hooked. ;)

It was five thirty before we came back from BabiesRUs. Just enough time to get a pizza and have a reasonable dinner hour. So I rode with Jess and CR across town (or it could've been a couple of towns. how could I know?) to get dinner. We were supposed to go bowling at six thirty, but that didn't happen. It was about eight fifteen before we ever left. Just Dad, James, CR and I went. I didn't bowl. Not only am I really bad at it, but the way different people walk down the lane exposes them to many comments and teasing. :)

I was very glad that we did not come earlier as we'd planned, for as the guys finished out the second game, I noticed two girls in the lane next to us. They looked like ATI people. (The skirts.) Then I glanced up and who should I see walk through the door, but Steve Graves. We used to go to church with his family when we lived here and his daughter Jessica had come up a couple winters ago to spend a few weeks at my home in NJ. :) I thought it odd that he should be there alone, but I figured he must belong to some sort of league or had just come out with another family for some reason. Then I saw Mrs. Graves near the door, and that blonde with her back turned toward me could be none other than Jessica.

I ran up behind her and tickled her sides. She was completely shocked to see me. :) :) :) I was so glad to see her, for I'd been wondering if I might get to visit with her while I was here. After our usual howdys, I asked her if she knew a fellow named Jared Yates, whom I had met in Chicago. I knew he lived here in Lakeland, and I figured if that was so, then Jess must know of him and we would share another common acquaintance.

"Jared Yates? Oh yeah. He's supposed to be here in about two minutes."
"You're kidding, right?"
"No, he and his brother Kyle are coming tonight."
"OMS, my friends told me to say hi to him if I ran into him down here, but I didn't actually think I would."

Jessica is so cool. We almost never talk on the phone anymore. We both excuse each other for it because we're the same as far as laziness or forgetfulness, whichever it is. But we get together, and it's like we just saw each other at church, except that we have lots more news to share. She asked about all my friends at home and was shocked to learn that Tim Horn had stolen his family away to Texas.

"How's, um, the Vision Forum guy doing?"
"Vision Forum? Oh, Tim!"
"I'm mad at him. He carried his sister off to Texas to live out there."
"Yeah, her whole family went and moved out there."
"When did this take place?"
"Last September. Right after I went out to HQ."
"Aw, man!"

I was surprised to learn that one of the guys I used to know is courting. Especially since that guy was about fifteen when I saw him last. Amazing that we covered all that ground in the two minutes before Jared walked in. His was more of a look of recognition and then disbelief.

"What're you doing here?"
"Visiting family. You remember, my sister lives down here."
"Oh yeah. How long have you been here?"
"Since Saturday."
"No, I mean here at the bowling alley?"
"Oh, about an hour."
"You knew the Graves were here."
(I thought he said "the Graves here")
"Um yeah. I've known Jess for, like, ever."
"So you came with them?"
"No, I came with my brother-in-law."
"But you knew they were going to be here."
"You're kidding?"
"No, but I'm very glad we didn't wait until tomorrow to follow him to the bowling alley or I'd have missed seeing all of you."

It took me forever to figure out how in the world we managed to go on the same night when they all almost never bowl. And I haven't been bowling since last year when I came down to visit. And then we delayed our trip because of dinner. If we'd have gone earlier, we'd have left before they got there. Cool how that worked out. I totally have to get together with Jess again before we go. She's supposed to be at a party my sis is giving next week, but I'm not sure if she's really going to make it.

Haven't seen my cousins since I've been down here. I don't expect to see Heather as she is married and I don't really know how often she comes to my grandparents' house. I rather am hoping still to see Chris, but that's a long shot since we've been here nearly a week and I haven't seen him yet. I did get to see my littlest cousin, Abbey, the first night we came. She and my uncle, Tom, were here. Uncle Tom was playing guitar with my grandpa and Abbey was watching a movie. She's getting so tall. She's going to look a lot like her sister, Heather. Their brother Aaron, I have not seen yet either. I am told he is grown quite tall and good looking now. About sixteen or seventeen years old. Goodness, I remember when he was two. So cute! He had blonde hair (still does) and was always twirling it with his left hand as he sucked on the first two fingers of his right hand. Never went anywhere without a backpack. :) Why do all children have to grow up? *sigh*

Anywho, I'd best get going, before I start wondering why I have to grow up and then I'll be in a real fix. ;)

See y'all online sometime.
posted by cori 11/03/2005 10:17:00 AM  
  • At 11/03/2005 4:27 PM, Blogger The Horn Family said…


    Being at the same bowling alley at the same time as your old friends is pretty incredible. Truth is stranger than fiction.

    If you see Jess Graves again, please tell her hello from me. I still remember the fun we all had when she visited you. That seems like ages ago, doesn't it?

    Reading about your encounter with Jess reminded me of the fun we all had trying on the dress you had just made. I also remember some girls laughing their heads off while attemping to pose in front of the Christmas tree while she was visiting. It's neat what one blog post will do to bring back happy memories.


  • At 11/03/2005 8:52 PM, Blogger cori said…

    Oh heavens! Do you remember what she said about not getting to "meet" your brother? ;)

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