Saturday, December 31, 2005
Overdue Creation of Holiday Delectables

Can you keep a secret?

Don't tell anyone. It's one of those things, ya know?

In our family, as in some others I know, there are just a few things that we don't share with others.

I'm sure your family has things like that.

It could be embarrassing stories.

It could be holiday traditions. (I know you Davises think Christmas morning is sacred. ;)

It could be like our family.

It could be a recipe.

Years ago, my aunt discovered this recipe. She gave it to my grandmom. Grandma gave it to my mom. Mom gave it to me. Many times I have made these sugar cookies. They aren't too sweet. But they aren't tasteless. They taste especially grand when paired with the special icing recipe.

It's been years since I've made these cookies with my grandma. Tuesday, we had company coming. This afforded the perfect opportunity. I was supposed to make them in the morning, let them in the fridge for a while, and have them all done before company came.

However, we didn't have any eggs.

Now, I know this recipe is a secret, but I don't think it's a secret that it takes eggs and as long as I don't tell you everything else that's in them, I will not be accused of leaking information.

We had to get eggs.

Ok, well, we had to go out on another errand anyway. But hey, as long as we're going to the bank and the grocery store and the post office, we might as well go out for lunch too. My mom had been wanting to take Grandma to one particular restaurant around here. (I knew perfectly well it was Manda's day to work too, so I was in no way opposed to going. And I might add that she is the friendliest waitress-lady there. :)

After enjoying lunch together (and dessert), we made it home in plenty of time to make up the dough. I stuck it in the fridge and played on Daddy's new Xbox while I waited for it to get hard.
Soon preparations were being made to receive our guests. I was rolling out dough. I put some in the oven.







I pulled a batch from the oven. Rolled out some more dough. Put some more in. Set the timer.






He came out and made a batch. Then all us girls got to work. Mom was coloring icing. Grandma was decorating trees and snowmen. I was making them as fast as they were decorating them. I am always amazed at how many cookies that recipe makes. It seemed like we'd never finish. We ran out of icing after a while, so we just left some of them without it.

Now normally, I don't share my sugar cookie baking with anyone (last time I did, the girl I baked with swiped my secret recipe *gasp and horrors!*), but since it's just pictures, I'll share them with y'all here.
posted by cori 12/31/2005 08:57:00 AM  
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