I can't believe it!
After six tries and four failures I have reached success!
Do you know what a relief this is?!?
Now I can join the millions
of Americans who, on top of everything else that goes wrong, have difficulties which are driver-related. I join the millions who didn't have enough stress, so they went and learned how to drive! Just think . . .
. . . I can experience the irritation
of fellow drivers on cell phones . . .
. . . I can sympathize
with those who fail to show patience in difficult situations . . .
. . . I can learn to hate snow . . .
. . . even more than I already do!
However, there are advantages
to being in the driver's seat. For instance,
if I see this sign, I can stop for Wawa or Starbucks! . . .
. . . I can (eventually) monopolize the CD player! . . .
. . . I will not have to deal
with pumping my own gas unless I leave NJ! . . .
. . . I can sit back
and enjoy the scenery if necessary . . . (Hey, there's good in all things.)
. . . and who knows, I may eventually get a license and drive by myself!
Just Remember,
the brake is on the left,
and the gas is on the right:)