Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Remember when . . . ?
Don't ask me what reminded me. Maybe it was the mention of the Delaware Bridge. Maybe not. Maybe it was something else, but one memory triggered another and pretty soon I was remembering the whole day. I am smiling now as I think of all the fun we had that day.
Do you remember the day we went to Longwood Gardens? First, Tim nearly drove us in the ditch at Stretch's corner and then we started going in the wrong direction and Tim didn't believe us. He thought we were messing with his mind. Remember? And then all of you tried so hard to convince him that the bridge in Pennsville was, in reality, the Delaware Memorial? OMS! Then he really didn't trust our senses of direction!
I remember posing for Lauren to take pictures at just about every turn. Even though it was January and there were almost no flowers in bloom, we took pictures with three cameras. I remember everything about that trip, the course we took through the gardens, the house we walked through, the waterless fountains, Derek going through the little kid maze at the conservatory, that awful bonzai exhibit (who really considers bonzai an art?), the car ride at lunch! I remember how we wanted to find a picnic spot and sit on the grass by the side of the road, but Tim wanted to find a park and eat at a table. And how he would not ask for directions. And how I was squished in the middle of the backseat the whole time just because I was short!
I remember Derek eating something with vinegar on it and we all didn't like the strong smell. I remember him spilling that vinegar and Tim couldn't get the smell of it out of his car for weeks. :) *uncontrollable laughter* I remember Derek insisting that it was not his vinegar that smelled that way. It must have been the milk in someone's thermos of tea that had gone sour, but no, he had certainly put the vinegar in a container in the trunk when he had finished lunch.
Then, I remember the stop signs, too. They weren't very tall and you almost didn't see them. Tim insisted that since they were only half-signs, then he only needed to do a half-stop. I remember Lauren and Jess riding up and down in the elevator, and I remember the song that was running through my head all day. I remember that there was a big goose or something blocking the exit from the bird sanctuary and we girls were afraid to go past it, so we waited for the guys to catch up.
I remember racing Jess through a muddy field and getting mud all over our skirts and jackets. Our purses were flying as we tried to keep them with us and yet keep them out of the way as we ran. I remember Derek doing a handstand on the edge of the bridge and Tim grabbing his feet and pretending to push him off.
I remember stopping at the water fountain to wash off the mud from my skirt before we left for dinner. And I remember coming out of the ladies' room to find only Tim waiting for me. I remember him guiding my eyes through the trees to wear Lauren and Jess had gone. I remember looking to see whether Derek was with them and then suddenly finding that his glove was reaching over the low stone wall to grab my ankle. I remember jumping clean out of my skin.
Sure, I can laugh about it now. Y'all had me on the verge of tears that day.
I remember going to Cracker Barrel for dinner. I remember Lauren asking the waiter if he could light our oil lamp at the table so that it would give us "atmosphere". I remember him looking at her kind of funny. I remember Jess being so cold because it's always cold in there and she'd left her jacket in the car. I remember ordering blackberry pancakes and not being able to eat them all. I remember Jess ordering something chocolate for dessert. She sat next to me. And Tim was at the end. And Derek and Lauren were on the other side. Derek ate something orange in a frosted glass for dessert and no one wanted to try it when he couldn't finish it.
I don't remember driving back to the Davises' house, but I remember when we got there, Derek found his vinegar container under the front seat, empty.
Good heavens! what fun we had that day! |
posted by cori
1/24/2006 08:21:00 PM
Hahahahahaha! OH MY SOUL!!!! I am laughing hystericly! Most of the things I remember, but some I don't (I grabbed your ankle!?! How could you think that of me!?! he he). But oh the fun! I'd actually forgotten driving in the wrong direction, but as soon as I read about it it all came back. - I am laughing so hard I can hardly write! - The vinegar!!! I could have sworn I put that in the trunk with the rest of our lunch stuff! Oh well. Sorry Tim! Needless to say, I have never taken vinegar with me on a trip since that day. I remember the song we sang too! Except I can't recall the name. But how you wished we would just be quiet! Oh the Fun! Good, wholesome, jolly, fun. BTW, I never go by a "half-stop-sign" without remembering that I only need to do a "half-stop!" he he he!
OMS! I remember the song too! I don't know the name but it went like this:
In the jungle, the mighty jungle a lion sleeps tonight
What a dumb song. :)
That's IT! Tim started it, so maybe we'll ask him what it's called.
It's called, The Lion Sleeps Tonight.
Wow, what memories. It's been a long time and much has happened since that grand day. Wbat a great reminder for us to enjoy God's gifts while they are ours to enjoy, for tomorrow they vanish like a vapor.
WOWZERS! Tim commented on this blog! AND he updated his photo (which I am thankful for :)! I'm looking outside for a blue moon... :)
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Hahahahahaha! OH MY SOUL!!!! I am laughing hystericly! Most of the things I remember, but some I don't (I grabbed your ankle!?! How could you think that of me!?! he he). But oh the fun! I'd actually forgotten driving in the wrong direction, but as soon as I read about it it all came back. - I am laughing so hard I can hardly write! -
The vinegar!!! I could have sworn I put that in the trunk with the rest of our lunch stuff! Oh well. Sorry Tim! Needless to say, I have never taken vinegar with me on a trip since that day.
I remember the song we sang too! Except I can't recall the name. But how you wished we would just be quiet! Oh the Fun! Good, wholesome, jolly, fun.
BTW, I never go by a "half-stop-sign" without remembering that I only need to do a "half-stop!" he he he!