Saturday, March 11, 2006
iMpRoMpTu TeA pArTiEs ArE fUn!
So anyway, Dani came with her mom and Rachel. Dani hadn't seen the house since before we started the addition. (Remember, Cara, she was at camp for your birthday) So we had lots of catching up to do. Rachel showed me the dresses and the fabric for the sleeves. I can't divulge national secrets, so you'll just have to wait till the wedding to see them. :)

How does that little poem go?

We sit. We sip.
We chat. We chew.
What great times we have,
we two.

We talked for a long time about lots of different things, you know how it is. We discussed Rachel's wedding and her furniture shopping experiences. Then we talked about Chicago and how I liked it out there. Danielle told me about her latest attempts to find a job. (that's always hard. you can always find a job, but finding one you want to work at, that's a whole different deal) Mom and Mrs. Bruce had their own little conversation, occasionally merging with ours and then veering off on their own again. Much like a series of information superhighways, as James would say, are five girls who haven't seen each other in ages when they finally sit down for tea together.

We showed pictures of Tori. Mom told about her birthday and the new swing she got. Rachel showed us a picture (online) of her wedding dress. We pictured the bridesmaids' dresses in our minds because she couldn't bring up the page with them on it. Then suddenly, we realized it was time for James' piano lesson to end. (!!!) Two minutes after Mom left with Mrs. Bruce, the phone rang, asking if someone was going to pick it up. When I picked it up, James was there, asking if someone was going to pick him up. While they were gone, we girls mostly sat around at the table listening to the phone ring every two minutes. Each time, I got up and hurdled the little fence to the front rooms and it was never for me. It was always someone with a message or a fax for Dad.

Soon after the return of the music man, the girls had to leave. I couldn't believe we had kept them so long! But we hadn't seen them in forever and it was nice to spend time with them again. :)
posted by cori 3/11/2006 08:04:00 AM  
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