Monday, December 18, 2006
Life: Take 17,469
Ok, yeah, I haven't written a real blog posts in weeks. So here goes--

Life's been moving along at it's normal pace: "Zero to sixty in, what? like three and a half years?" (Cars)

James's birthday came on the same day as last year. He had the Davis guys over to stay the night. I sat watching Kyle play football on the Xbox with Dad (Eagles- 77, Cowboys- 17) until nearly eleven o'clock, when James and Derek voted to oust Dad out of his game controller and put in a Star Wars game that the three of them could play. They stayed until six or so next day, Kyle playing with Dad, and Derek spending time with James and I playing the pickle game. (He wins every time. But only because he convinces Mom and Jbear that my ideas are impractical while his are perfectly normal, which is so wrong. Turning a family against itself. How discordant of him.)

James got some cool stuff for his birthday. Cuff links, clothes, PC games, a movie (the afore-quoted Cars, etc. He was killing me guessing his presents. My mom had bought him the DVD Cars and a calendar with the characters from the movie, and had wrapped them together so he wouldn't guess what it was. So he feels the package all over and says, "It feels like a calendar and a DVD, but those two don't go together." I couldn't believe him! How does he do that?

I bought him a t-shirt and long sleeve polo to wear together. The tee is dark blue and has all these Einstein equations all over it in white. It says "Scientific theory proven: the world really does revolve around me!" Normally, he doesn't wear tees, but this one was so him. :)

Uh, let's see. James's birthday and then . . . ?

Oh, Mom and Dad went to Lancaster last week. James and I were stuck without even a car to go Christmas shopping!! So right before they left, we went to the library and stocked up on movies to watch while they were gone. Gladiator, Star Wars I, II & III, some movie I'd never seen that turned out to be all in German, and Ever After.

James wasn't feeling so great for like a week, starting two days before Mom and Dad's trip, and so when Mom came home and took us shopping, I think he was glad to get out of the house. I didn't have any gifts bought for anyone except my Grama Kay, and when I got home that night, I had everything I needed, ready to be wrapped up and sent away. I like to sit with a pad of paper and a pencil and brainstorm ideas for everyone. Then I decide which gifts they'd like best and try to get them all. Not all of them always work out, and there's always that one person that you just can't find something they don't already have. But it works and I spend the least amount of time in the store.

Mrs. Carr called me last Thursday asking if I might be able to sew some winter cloaks for her girls. She gave me their sizes and bought all the fabric (navy/black wool lined with pink and purple satin!!) They turned out beautifully, but I am still waiting to let her see them and make a decision about pockets before I am totally done. They are so lovely. I wish I had one for me! :)

So that brings us to Sunday, which we spent at the Slack's church. Joy is home on leave for Christmas. How she got that fortunate, well, God knows. :) It was so great to see her again. She never changes and every time we get together, we just pick up where we left off. She's like family that way. All of the Slacks are. We are planning a game night with them on the 29th, or around there somewhere. David is coming (he's so fun!) and Em & Christian. (Christian's fun too. He fits right in with their family.)

Ok, so where was I? Oh yeah, church. OMS!! There's this guy at church that plays the violin and he's so COOL!!! OMS!! He was so cool! I've been watching him in church for the past couple Sundays, cuz he plays for congregational singing. Dad commented on the "passionate" way he plays his instrument. You could so tell he was totally into it. I love watching people like that--people who are passionate about music. It's great. Well anyway, he played this enormously awesome medley with O Come All Ye Faithful, Hallelujah Chorus, Still Still and a bunch of other Christmas songs and they were all so great. His notes were clear and strong. It was like he was using his violin to sing to us. It was so beautiful. *sigh* I wish more people (me) were dedicated to something that way. I mean, the sermon was good, but eventually, I'm going to forget most of what was said yesterday. That violin melody still plays in my mind. I love when that happens.

Then last night, Mrs. Slack was singing in the cantata, so we went to hear her sing. They did the Majesty one called Christmas At Home. The choir did well. There were some sopranos (big suprise) that were vying for first place in the volume department, and one that was pretty vibrato the whole time, but the alto, tenor, and bass sections were flawless. Their voices blended quite naturally.

Afterward, there were cookies and punch and stuff in the fellowship hall. Had some fun catching up with Joy, teasing Charles, laughing at Charis's cute smiles, and pretty generally having a good time. Around 8:30, I headed home and then to the Davises for a movie.

Every year they play this movie on television on the Hallmark channel. It's called A Boyfriend for Christmas. Can you really get one that way? If I'd known all you had to do was ask Santa Claus . . . It was a cute movie. All the girls loved it, me included. The boys slowly drifted out of the room after the first hour or so. Kyle was the only one that followed the movie through to completion. Good movie. If you get a chance, watch it. You'll love it. Unless you're Jeremy or Derek. :)

Ok. Long post. Goodbye.
posted by cori 12/18/2006 05:56:00 PM  
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