Thursday, January 24, 2008
Waiting Afield at Dusk
I've probably posted this before, but I just love this poem. It amazes me how this man could use the same words as everyone does everyday, and yet write in such a way as to make you smell the sweetness of the haystack behind you and hear the noises of animals nearby as he waits alone in the field.
I just love Robert Frost. :-)
What things for dream there are when spectre-like,
Moving among tall haycocks lightly piled,
I enter alone upon the stubble field,
From which the laborers' voices late have died,
And in the antiphony of afterglow
And rising full moon, sit me down
Upon the full moon's side of the first haycock
And lose myself amid so many alike.
I dream upon the opposing lights of the hour,
Preventing shadow until the moon prevail;
I dream upon the night-hawks peopling heaven,
Each circling each with vague unearthly cry,
Or plunging headlong with fierce twang afar;
And on the bat's mute antics, who would seem
Dimly to have made out my secret place,
Only to lose it when he pirouettes,
And seek it endlessly with purblind haste;
On the last swallow's sweep; and on the rasp
In the abyss of odor and rustle at my back,
That, silenced by my advent, finds once more,
After an interval, his instrument,
And tries once--twice--and thrice if I be there;
And on the worn book of old-golden song
I brought not here to read, it seems, but hold
And freshen in this air of withering sweetness;
But on the memory of one absent most,
For whom these lines when they shall greet her eye. |
posted by cori
1/24/2008 08:02:00 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I'm not really into a blogging mood just now, but figured I'd at least share a few pictures that I took this week. It snowed buckets on Thursday. This is what kept me from lunch for so long. I really didn't want to brave the roads, but once I got out it was beautiful.

As I passed the lake on the way home, I decided to pull in and get out of the car. There were birds flying overhead through the snow, but none were accomodating enough to get in the shot.

Snow is pretty, but I still think it's more cold and confining than beautiful. But if I must be outside, might as well enjoy it right?
Okay, below are pics of the quilt my grandma made me. She's been working on it for a long time.

She found the squares already appliqued and ready to patch together in my great-great-grandmother's house. I remember two years ago my grandmom came to visit and we went to the store to match fabric for the yellow and purple borders. It's pretty cool to have a multi-generational quilt. I'm still working on my own.

I can't believe all the stitches in this quilt!! She had it almost finished, when she saw another that was stitched straight through, each row of stitches an inch apart. And she decided to do the same to this one. It had to be a lot of work, but it sure makes it nice and warm.

And these are from today. My niece is not camera shy; she just can't sit still long enough to take a picture.

posted by cori
1/20/2008 04:35:00 PM
Nice (and cute) pictures. Interesting combo of snow, quilts and little girls :)
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sole Fide? or is it?
What saves a person?
This question comes up now and again. I know what I believe about salvation, but how do you explain it to someone? It seems like every time I try, the concept becomes simpler.
Salvation is definitely not by works. The bible is very clear about that. James 2 declares that salvation is by faith, which can be evidenced by a person's deeds. But the deeds are the result of faith, not vice versa.
So, having established this, I have to ask myself, faith in what? God? Well, yes, but there's really more to it than just "believing in God".
Lots of people believe in God. But you can tell by their reference to Him, what they believe. "There's someone up there looking out for me." "We're all God's children." Or the one I hate most--"the man upstairs". You know by this speech that someone has no more than a nominal belief in a god. They don't acknowledge His supremity. Almost like they believe in luck or fate, as though someone/something has control and they do not. I've talked to lots of people that "believe in God". A catholic friend of mine believes in God, but still thinks that being a good catholic will land him in heaven.
Another friend shed light on the line. When I asked if he had ever considered christianity, he reponded that he had, but decided against it. I asked why, and he gave a very common response. He knew people who talked of a personal relationship with God, but never experienced it himself. I tried to explain what the difference is, but when I quoted scripture, he told me (in so many words, forgive me; it was some time ago we had this conversation) that I only use that to back up a point because I believe the bible is inspired by God. He believed that the bible was no different than any book, uninspired by anybody. I came to the conclusion that he does not believe in the sovereignty of God. If God has no authority or highness, He is nothing more than an empty belief concocted to comfort those with no hope. But the bible says that "if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." I can see why.
Okay so just believing that there is a god has no power to save. Then what is faith? What must one believe? That Jesus is God? that He lived a perfect life? that He paid for the sin of the world? None of this by itself will save anyone. Christ may have paid for your sin, but if you don't believe that He has the authority to declare what is sin, then what difference would it make? If you believe He is God, but still believe you must work for your salvation, then what was the point of His death? or even His time on earth for that matter?
Even believing that Christ is God, that He lived a perfect life, and that He died for you, is nothing if you don't believe that God has the authority to declare you guilty of sin. If your next-door neighbor caught you in an unlawful act, he has no power to sentence you to jail. Only an officer of the law may do that. Because they have authority. Your neighbor has not, because he is on your level. He has no authority.
Thus, I have come to understand that a belief in God's sovereignty is salvation. I believe in His power to forgive. If I believe that He has the authority to forgive sin, I am acknowledging His sovereignty. This is because He has declared that I have sinned against Him. He created this world and He makes the rules. He says what is right and what is wrong. He says when we have broken the rules. And He has made a way to forgive us. If He has power to say "guilty", He has power to say "forgiven".
Still, faith would be nothing if not for God’s grace, His willingness to say “forgiven”. Romans says “by grace are ye saved through faith. It is the gift of God.” It is a combination of faith and grace. God’s grace won’t save you if you don’t reach out to Him and take the gift. Just like faith in His forgiveness would be for naught if He did not extend it.
But He has extended it.Labels: bible, christianity, faith, God, grace, salvation |
posted by cori
1/15/2008 09:12:00 PM
Very inciteful. I like your explanation. It makes a lot of sense and is well thought out. (Beth)
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Pampered Self
Imagine the most comfortable position you could be in. A soft cushy chair, a cool down blanket, a warm rice bag by your toes, a box of white cheddar cheezits just waiting to be eaten, and a crackling fire in the hearth.
That's me right now.
Everyone is gone. My family has gone shopping. Dinner is over and clean-up is done. The lights are all out and I'm all alone. *smiles* It's the first time in months.
Today, I pampered myself. Since injuring my back last week, I've been in mild pain almost constantly. Sometimes I can forget it, but it's there still.
For me, looking sloppy makes me feel lousy. I feel better when I'm dressed up. So you can understand, I'm sure, that with high heels off limits, and a good excuse to slack off, I've slaceked off in the hair/makeup/stockings department and made myself pretty depressed. Well, depressed isn't the right word. In the mood to pamper myself is really how I felt this morning.
I slept in this morning, which I never do. Or rather, I woke at five and lay in bed until eight finishing a book I've been reading. Then, after I knew James and Mom had left (because Jbear's working today and they leave at 7:30 or so), I got a shower, and came downstairs. I still hadn't decided what to do today, but I knew I had chores to do before I could leave the house. Mom swapped out with me. I usually clean the bathrooms and she does thekitchen. But since I can't lean over to scrub the tub for a while, we switched.
Around ten o'clock, having finished chores and seen my dad off to the nearest plumbing store (he had chores today too), I set off for my favorite hair salon.
I never make appointments. This is good and bad. Good in that I'm never committed ot being there at a specific time and therefore can change plans or mind at will. Bad in that no one is expecting me and I must decide whether to wait for Janice to have a free moment, or let Marla cut my hair. Today I chose Marla and she did fine. I'll post pics tomorrow when my hair is decent looking.
Then I made off for the nearest Wawa for a cappuccino and donuts. So very unhealthy, but it tastes great!
I went and spent an hour getting my nails done at the mall. I love getting my nails done. They look so pretty when they're done. Today I really splurged and got French tips. I always used to bite my nails, so they never look very good unless I get acrylic tips put on. Then I just feel prettier and my hands are less embarrassed to show themselves. Sounds silly, but I'm a girl. We have our vanities. Mine are nails.
So, with a new haircut, fresh nail polish and time to hang around, I browsed the nearby shops at the mall. Not too many, since I did have other things to do today. I was glad I decided to exit the mall through JCPenneys, because I found a whole new outfit on sale like 70% off! Well, I say whole outfit. I mean sweater and skirt. Butit's an adorable skirt. Black and white plaid and just my size, which is unusual in itself.
So I bought it. Don't ask me why it didn't occur to me that I handed the cashier $40 when I should have handed him $20. I didn't realize it until I got to my car and took out the receipt when I found that, lo and behold, the skirt had come up $20 more than the price tag which was clearly marked right above the barcode.
Usually, I let things like that pass. But usually it's only a dollar or so. Today, I didn't let it pass. I got back in line and waited again. It had been rather a long line the first time, and it was rather long again now. But the guy remembered me. (If he hadn't, I'd have serious doubts about his memory. I'd only been gone five minutes.) And he fixed it up so I had my twenty bucks back.
Then I went and spent it on shoes at Walmart. I told you I'd get them sooner or later. But that's all I really got there of any interest. Nothing to report. It's Walmart. What do you expect? It's the same at every Walmart across the country.
So I get home, and pull out these great shoes to show my mom, and all she says is "those are the same shoes I bought." (I thought they were cute when she bought them too. I still do.) They're so extremely comfortable. I think I'll wear them to work.
And so after all this, I sit here with the fire now only a faint crackle and my box of cheezits almost empty, thinking I'd better end this post pretty soon before I either get kicked offline for the fourth time since beginning this epistle or drive myself crazy trying to correct all the typos induced by these stupid pretty nails that don't let you push less than two buttons at a time. |
posted by cori
1/12/2008 07:24:00 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
So I got my shoes. I didn’t go to the mall. I didn’t figure I could handle sitting in the car for 45 minutes to ride up there, then walking the stores for two hours without any place to sit down. So I broke down.
I went to Walmart.
Yes, I found shoes at Walmart. Sometimes I don’t. Sometimes their selection is pitiful. I am going to have to go to Millville to see if that store has others. I found a few pair I liked, but they hadn’t any in my size, search as I might. So I’ll go to Millville (this weekend probably) and see if they have size 7-1/2 there.
The ones I did find are (don’t look Danielle) “grandma shoes”. *gasp!*
But they’re comfortable. And brown. They’re like, suede loafer looking things with a half-inch heel and leather accent.
I like them. And since Danielle wasn’t there to talk me out of them and into blue four-inch heels, I bought them.
And now I’m wearing them.
And I’m comfortable.
That makes me happy. :-) |
posted by cori
1/11/2008 07:57:00 AM
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
2008 Resolutions
Yeah okay, so it’s not a long list, but they are two things I have certainly determined on.
1. Finally learn to play that guitar 2. Memorize 2 Timothy & 1 Peter
Besides, if I remember correctly, I didn’t make any resolutions last year. And I accomplished just all of them. So at least it’s a start. |
posted by cori
1/09/2008 07:54:00 AM
Okay I really want to add "learn Spanish" to my list but I'm putting it way down here in the comments, so I won't actually be committed to achieving it. This way I can just try without officiality. :-P
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008
*inhales deeply the smell of cardboard boxes and plywood*
Ah! Spring is in the air! I love the way the warehouse smells when the seventy-one degree air breezes through from the cargo doors out back. The sun is shining. The sky is clear. A whole hour for lunch. Who could really be less than content?
I could use a couple of days like this. The cold air and lack of sunlight that characterize winter get me down sometimes. |
posted by cori
1/08/2008 01:04:00 PM
Monday, January 07, 2008
Quick update:
So of all unfortunate things, I go to work last Wednesday and injure myself. I’ve walked across that road nearly every day for the past year without mishap, but that day I fell flat on my back and thought I’d broken something for sure. It hurt so bad I didn’t want to walk and asked my boss if I could go home. She of course, said no. I had to go to the hospital. It had happened at work, so I had to have xrays and the whole works. So I called my mom and she and my dad came to work. Mom took my car home, and Dad drove me to the hospital.
All I had really wanted was to lie down. Instead they made me wait in a waiting room chair. What is it with doctor people? Can’t they understand that you’re there for some reason related to injury? And you really don’t want to wait for paperwork? *sigh*
So they told me I hadn’t broken anything, just bruised my tailbone. They gave me a copy of the xrays to take to my chiropractor and gave me some pain killer prescriptions. And I finally went home after three and a half hours. The doctor said I could go back to work the next day, but not to take the meds before driving.
So I took them after I got to work. They were supposed to work for four hours. It did say that it might cause dizziness, but geez! I thought my head was going to fall off! Is that what a hangover feels like? OMS! The lights were brighter. The noises were louder. I could feel the footsteps of people walking around me, and two coworkers finally insisted on driving me home. Where I lay on the couch for two hours watching a movie because the dumb medication wore off about a half an hour later.
The next day I was smarter. I took Advil. Three before I left for work. And I was fine all day.
Saturday I was not so smart. I went grocery shopping. Pushing a cart and walking for an hour only aggravated the inflammation that was hovering in my lower back. I’m afraid I made for poor company when Jbear invited Daniel for dinner that night. But I watched the boys battle it out on the Xbox. Then listened to them play their violins, which I personally consider a treat. :-)
Sunday, I was determined to sit in church for the whole service, as I was supposed to sing Mary Did You Know? for special music. I would’ve put it off, but Daniel was my accompaniment and Mr. Gatto would have been disappointed I know. :-) Plus, I like to sing, so why put it off?
So today, of course, is Monday. I am back at work. Still on Advil. Not getting better really, but staying the same is better than getting worse. The chiropractor says I’m not broken permanently, and that I just need to let my back heal on its own, doing what I can to speed the process.
So for those of you praying for me, I appreciate it. Really a whole lot.
An added difficulty to this whole thing is that I have very few pairs of shoes that are not high heeled. Those that I can wear are either sneakers, or really old and rather worn looking. I have a few flats that are nice, but they’re all black. *sigh* I’m just going to have to go to the mall and buy new shoes. :-( |
posted by cori
1/07/2008 06:42:00 PM
ouch. Hope you feel better!
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Sunday, January 06, 2008
That's what I get for being related...
Okay, I've been tagged by my mom for a blogging game.
These are the RULES:
Link to the person that tagged you. (See above.) Post the rules on your blog.
Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
Tag seven random (Yeah right. Random is done by computers. Bloggers pick their tagged friends for a reason.) people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven random/weird facts about me
1. I'm told that I look angry when I concentrate.
2. I am unbeatable at Boggle.
3. My favorite comic strip is FoxTrot.
4. I cry without fail during the third Star Wars movie.
5. The two coolest things that God created are wind and the ocean. (And if you can correctly guess why, you are automatically added to the list of tagged people.)
6. I love getting my picture taken, especially in those little booths that only fit three or four friends at a time.
7. I’m a sucker for these blue eyes. And these. And these. :-)
And then of course, I have to think of seven people with blogs. I could opt for the easy way out and just say that the first seven people to read this have to do it, but I know my friends and they wouldn't do it. So... I'll list 'em and even if they don't do it, my obligations will have been fulfilled. :-)
Daniel Jbear Danielle Cara Amy
Bree |
posted by cori
1/06/2008 07:28:00 PM
The ShugaBowl |
Sounds like some kind of sports thing, but in reality, the ShugaBowl is just a little hideaway for me, Sugarcube herself, to let loose my thoughts and occasional creativeness. |
Nice (and cute) pictures. Interesting combo of snow, quilts and little girls :)