Monday, January 07, 2008
Quick update:
So of all unfortunate things, I go to work last Wednesday and injure myself. I’ve walked across that road nearly every day for the past year without mishap, but that day I fell flat on my back and thought I’d broken something for sure. It hurt so bad I didn’t want to walk and asked my boss if I could go home. She of course, said no. I had to go to the hospital. It had happened at work, so I had to have xrays and the whole works. So I called my mom and she and my dad came to work. Mom took my car home, and Dad drove me to the hospital.

All I had really wanted was to lie down. Instead they made me wait in a waiting room chair. What is it with doctor people? Can’t they understand that you’re there for some reason related to injury? And you really don’t want to wait for paperwork? *sigh*

So they told me I hadn’t broken anything, just bruised my tailbone. They gave me a copy of the xrays to take to my chiropractor and gave me some pain killer prescriptions. And I finally went home after three and a half hours. The doctor said I could go back to work the next day, but not to take the meds before driving.

So I took them after I got to work. They were supposed to work for four hours. It did say that it might cause dizziness, but geez! I thought my head was going to fall off! Is that what a hangover feels like? OMS! The lights were brighter. The noises were louder. I could feel the footsteps of people walking around me, and two coworkers finally insisted on driving me home. Where I lay on the couch for two hours watching a movie because the dumb medication wore off about a half an hour later.

The next day I was smarter. I took Advil. Three before I left for work. And I was fine all day.

Saturday I was not so smart. I went grocery shopping. Pushing a cart and walking for an hour only aggravated the inflammation that was hovering in my lower back. I’m afraid I made for poor company when Jbear invited Daniel for dinner that night. But I watched the boys battle it out on the Xbox. Then listened to them play their violins, which I personally consider a treat. :-)

Sunday, I was determined to sit in church for the whole service, as I was supposed to sing Mary Did You Know? for special music. I would’ve put it off, but Daniel was my accompaniment and Mr. Gatto would have been disappointed I know. :-) Plus, I like to sing, so why put it off?

So today, of course, is Monday. I am back at work. Still on Advil. Not getting better really, but staying the same is better than getting worse. The chiropractor says I’m not broken permanently, and that I just need to let my back heal on its own, doing what I can to speed the process.

So for those of you praying for me, I appreciate it. Really a whole lot.

An added difficulty to this whole thing is that I have very few pairs of shoes that are not high heeled. Those that I can wear are either sneakers, or really old and rather worn looking. I have a few flats that are nice, but they’re all black. *sigh* I’m just going to have to go to the mall and buy new shoes. :-(
posted by cori 1/07/2008 06:42:00 PM  
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