Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sole Fide? or is it?
What saves a person?

This question comes up now and again. I know what I believe about salvation, but how do you explain it to someone? It seems like every time I try, the concept becomes simpler.

Salvation is definitely not by works. The bible is very clear about that. James 2 declares that salvation is by faith, which can be evidenced by a person's deeds. But the deeds are the result of faith, not vice versa.

So, having established this, I have to ask myself, faith in what? God? Well, yes, but there's really more to it than just "believing in God".

Lots of people believe in God. But you can tell by their reference to Him, what they believe. "There's someone up there looking out for me." "We're all God's children." Or the one I hate most--"the man upstairs". You know by this speech that someone has no more than a nominal belief in a god. They don't acknowledge His supremity. Almost like they believe in luck or fate, as though someone/something has control and they do not. I've talked to lots of people that "believe in God". A catholic friend of mine believes in God, but still thinks that being a good catholic will land him in heaven.

Another friend shed light on the line. When I asked if he had ever considered christianity, he reponded that he had, but decided against it. I asked why, and he gave a very common response. He knew people who talked of a personal relationship with God, but never experienced it himself. I tried to explain what the difference is, but when I quoted scripture, he told me (in so many words, forgive me; it was some time ago we had this conversation) that I only use that to back up a point because I believe the bible is inspired by God. He believed that the bible was no different than any book, uninspired by anybody. I came to the conclusion that he does not believe in the sovereignty of God. If God has no authority or highness, He is nothing more than an empty belief concocted to comfort those with no hope. But the bible says that "if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." I can see why.

Okay so just believing that there is a god has no power to save. Then what is faith? What must one believe? That Jesus is God? that He lived a perfect life? that He paid for the sin of the world? None of this by itself will save anyone. Christ may have paid for your sin, but if you don't believe that He has the authority to declare what is sin, then what difference would it make? If you believe He is God, but still believe you must work for your salvation, then what was the point of His death? or even His time on earth for that matter?

Even believing that Christ is God, that He lived a perfect life, and that He died for you, is nothing if you don't believe that God has the authority to declare you guilty of sin. If your next-door neighbor caught you in an unlawful act, he has no power to sentence you to jail. Only an officer of the law may do that. Because they have authority. Your neighbor has not, because he is on your level. He has no authority.

Thus, I have come to understand that a belief in God's sovereignty is salvation. I believe in His power to forgive. If I believe that He has the authority to forgive sin, I am acknowledging His sovereignty. This is because He has declared that I have sinned against Him. He created this world and He makes the rules. He says what is right and what is wrong. He says when we have broken the rules. And He has made a way to forgive us. If He has power to say "guilty", He has power to say "forgiven".

Still, faith would be nothing if not for God’s grace, His willingness to say “forgiven”. Romans says “by grace are ye saved through faith. It is the gift of God.” It is a combination of faith and grace. God’s grace won’t save you if you don’t reach out to Him and take the gift. Just like faith in His forgiveness would be for naught if He did not extend it.

But He has extended it.

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posted by cori 1/15/2008 09:12:00 PM  
  • At 2/29/2008 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very inciteful. I like your explanation. It makes a lot of sense and is well thought out. (Beth)

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