Sunday, February 18, 2007
A Trip to Dodge City
Saturday evening, James and I went back in time to visit the old west. After thrift shopping for different articles of clothing to complete our costumes, we turned ourselves out as "Ace" Thompson and his girl, Dolly. The occasion for such doings was a banquet held at church for Valentine's Day. Although not valentines ourselves, we thought we'd go and "represent the family", as I think it was said. I wasn't really looking forward to it. I didn't expect to see anyone within ten years of my age, and I wasn't disappointed. I think the set younger than us began at thirteen years old.

But I became more interested when it came time to put together an outfit. Wearing a black shawl, white top and a long green skirt, I was afraid I wouldn't look quite western, but everyone seemed to like the "uniquity", as everyone else wore denim. My hair at least was done up in the correct fashion. With a mere six votes, Ace won a prize for best costume. (I voted for him!) He said he was shooting for the well-to-do merchant look, but when he tucked the ace of spade into his sleeve, we really couldn't believe him. Everyone got a great laugh out of it. Some folks were still calling him Ace this morning at church. :) I wish I had a picture to show you but the only one we got was on his cell phone. They did make us pose for photos at the banquet, so if I can get that one eventually, I'll post it later.

The banquet was okay. I didn't really know anyone there except one couple, the Holmeses, and the pastor's family. There were different games to play; a scavenger hunt through the church, a guessing game as to how many pairs of socks Mrs. Dillon had shoved into this big old cowboy boot, and "musical tables", which consisted of each table singing for their supper. Unfortunately, the songs were predetermined by table and I was absolutely stuck singing She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain in a very boisterous manner.

The food was incredible! I have never had such delicious beef brisket. My stomach is rumbling as I type. It was so good! Then there was cornbread, burritoes, Angel salad and fruit. The dessert was even worse--cheesecake and cherries. There was this light fluffy chocolate cake roll that had been filled with real cream, not Coolwhip, but the real stuff that's homemade and whipped with sugar and milk. To die for! I'm tellin' ya.

But the pinata was the height of fun. James was chosen to go first, and, unused to his surroundings and unable to get his bearings by the voices of those around him, grabbed the mop handle/pinata stick in the middle, steadied himself, and then took a few Jedi-like swings with his lightsaber, impressing everyone with his ability to spin it with one hand, pass it behind and pick it up spinning with the other hand. I was proud. :) Then the 13-year-old told him to "use the Force, Luke!" At which point he made a crushing blow to the pinata, not breaking it, but sending the candy flying anyway. It took only two more Jedi to bring down the candy-stuffed party animal.

It was much more fun than I looked forward to, and now I'm glad I went.
posted by cori 2/18/2007 04:34:00 PM  
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