Thursday, May 19, 2005
Creatures of the Reptilian Variety
With every Thursday morning comes an hour or so of free time while I await my piano lesson. My brother has his lesson first. Then I mine and James then has a violin lesson as well. This usually provides me with a comfortable chair, a blazing fire and handwork to last me a while.
But lately, as the weather has been so warm, the chair has been replaced with a rustic bench. The fire has been replaced with a lazy river and the handwork has been replaced by a book that does not receive the attention it could. My attention is given entirely to the warm sun and the cool breeze.

Mrs. Bell kindly pointed out that there was indeed a path that led to the river, but being a daring soul (yeah, right. I couldn't find where the path began) I headed straight through the fields to a small breach in the trees through which I could see the water. On a small bit of land projecting into the water was an obliging bench. As I sat there reading about the biggest storm ever to hit the high seas, Ginger came up. I like Ginger. She such a loving, companionable dog. Spying a bird on her turf shortly afterward, she took her leave of me. My watch told me I had still a half hour before my lesson. I decided to do some more exploring.

Playing the eenie-meenie game sent me off to the right. I walked along, stopping at each clover patch to look for one with too many leaves, and pretty much enjoying the day. In and out among the trees the path twisted and turned. I was just coming around a bend in the path, when "Great Scots!" what should I see but a creature of the reptilian variety! That's all I can tell you about it. I didn't get any closer. It wasn't directly in my way; sort of off to the side, so I slowly edged my way around it as far from him as the path would allow.

I did not enjoy my walk as well after that. I had, of course, been aware that creatures of the reptilian variety live near the water, and, yes, I did half expect to see another. I didn't want to get too close to the water, but the next trail to the right was much too compelling to let pass. I could hear what sounded like a waterfall in the vicinity and those are always impossible to keep away from. I charted my course toward an enchanting little swing. A nice shady spot with a dock leading down to the water. I walked down the dock slowly, keeping an eye peeled this time. I didn't want any impertinent creatures to suddenly come between myself and the land.

Envisioning my plight if this should happen, I decided to come back some other time to finish my exploring expedition. I looked at my watch again. Fifteen minutes. I headed toward the house and eventually found myself on a porch swing with Ginger at my feet. I finished the first fishing trip of the young boy in my book just in time to hear Mrs. Bell looking for me.
posted by cori 5/19/2005 04:59:00 PM  
  • At 5/19/2005 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What is it with you and snakes recently? Isn't this the second sighting of this cursed creature in just one week?

  • At 5/19/2005 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do so enjoy reading about your experiences. You write in a very picturesque manner and I feel I am right there with you!

  • At 5/20/2005 9:15 AM, Blogger cori said…

    It is. It's the second time within a seven-day period. You think I'm safe for the rest of the summer? since I've already seen my quota this year?

  • At 5/20/2005 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm, not sure. Ask me on December 31st and I think I'll be able to give you a precise answer. :)

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