Saturday, August 27, 2005
Saturday Night At Home
I think I've always enjoyed Saturday nights. I tend to stay up quite late. Especially when my dad works shiftwork, because that means he's not got to go to bed early to get up and go to work. Mom and James tend to stay up later on those nights too. Like tonight.

I'm sitting here at the keyboard listening to half a conversation between my mom and my sister. They're kind of in the background. What I'm really enjoying is the soft lulling sound of a tenor voice sing Come By the Hills. Sound, now I am on the subject, is an awesome sense. If I were to describe everything I hear to you, I could go on for a while. The light clicking of the keys as I type out these thoughts. The low hum of an air conditioning vent above me. James's heavy tread down the stairs and then the noise of an opening refrigerator that so often follows that heavy tread. If you listen very closely after the music dies out, you can hear the locusts singing in the trees outside. The commencement of Cristofori’s Dream on the piano drowns out the other sounds now.

James and I have been “shopping up a tree” today. We went to Williamstown where we found the Horn family engaged in many activities. Luckily, we were able to catch them all at a time when their separate tasks converged together at their home. Cara and John were manning the yard sale tables outside. They had found the one and only spot of shade in their whole yard and set up their chairs and drinks accordingly. Mr. H was just about to leave on an errand with his father and Mrs. H had just returned from grocery store.

After conversing for some time and distracting them from their designated tasks, we took our leave of them and made our way down the Blackhorse pike to that ever popular store, Walmart. (Unfortunately, we never made to Kohl’s.) We lost each other several times in that store. The management decided to confuse the public by rearranging everything several times. I finally found my long lost relations again after finding sneakers, sewing notions, toothpaste and other such necessities and made my way out of the maze.

The Amish market was next. By this time, it was well past the usual lunch hour. At least I believed it to be so, for my stomach does not lie. Never go grocery shopping while hungry.

At home again, James and I sat through two Pixar movies, Finding Nemo and A Bug’s Life. Then we played a few competitive games on the computer. Two-player games on a pc are always a challenge. James has reverted to the television again. He’s watching previews now. That is so much fun. Sometimes we just sit and watch the previews for movies. He’s on the Incredibles now. I can’t believe how many times just today I’ve listened to Mr. Incredible tell his wife he can’t come to dinner. Then there’s my personal favorite. “Just keeping swimming. Just keep swimming…”

So, apparently dull though they may seem, I sit here enjoying my tea and deciding that I am going to decidedly miss Saturdays at home.
posted by cori 8/27/2005 10:48:00 PM  
  • At 8/28/2005 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    YES, I love "Finding Nemo." Keep swimming is just what I need to hear (kind of like that turtle on the fencepost who just keeps trying to get somewhere) :)

  • At 8/28/2005 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Les, I am sitting here tonight struck with the thought of how much God knows and how little we know. Who would have ever thought this time last year that we would be moving and you would be heading off to HQ for a few months?

    One thing, please don't give up blogging!!! I'll be an ever more faithful blog reader once out in TX as I won't be seeing you every week. So, blog on!

  • At 8/28/2005 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, Les, keep blogging. It will be like a "forum" for all of us to read and discuss the topics you write on as well as keep in touch with other commentors. You will be doing everyone a favor!

  • At 8/29/2005 8:17 AM, Blogger cori said…

    Ok! Ok! I certainly intend to keep up my blog, if solely for the sake of my three readers. :)

  • At 8/29/2005 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can't come to dinner right now, I got the... I gotta go!

    That one is so much fun....

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