Monday, August 22, 2005
What a weekend!
It rained almost all day Friday. I was so depressed. I spent the day wishing I could go see Danny, so after dinner I called her house. Unfortunately, her line was busy. "That's ok," I thought. "I'll just get ready and then call her." So I did my hair and changed my clothes and just as I was in the middle, the phone rang. "No way," I thought. "Surely it would be too coincidental that she should call to see if I could come over."

Well, it must not have been too coincenditental, because that's why she called. She wanted to know if James and I could come over to watch Peter Pan. *smirk*

After waiting patiently for my comrade and brother to finish KP, we arrived ready for an evening of fun. At least, we thought we were ready. You never know what's going to happen when you get together with the Davis family. I started out by searching for Danny upstairs. She and Mrs. D showed me how to fix my hair the really cool way that they do, and in return, I showed Danny how to write on mirrors with soap. *wicked grin*

Then Danielle disappeared. I don't know where she went, but as I was talking with Derek in the kitchen for a while, I heard repeated shouts outside the window. Looking out to ascertain the cause of such carryings on, my eye fell on the most intriguing contraption. It appeared to be a lawn mower, driven by Kyle, and pulling a go-cart laden with people. The excited shouts belonged to Danny, Dana, Johnny, Melissa, Peter, James, Nathan and another girl whose name I regrettably cannot recall. Of course, you know I had to go out and join them, just for a trip around the yard. I squeezed in between James and Peter and we rode down the road and around the field. Kyle took us right through the trees and then let James drive. Finding my life somewhat imperilled by these numerous driver changes, I took my leave of them as they passed the house and made my way over to where an unsuspecting victim was lounging on the hammock.

After righting the hammock and it's occupant, I sat talking to said occupant for a while until the rest of the gang tired of there lawn mower escapades (or ran out of gas, I'm not sure which.) By the time we started the movie, it was nearly dark. Somehow, there came about a complication as to the attire of we moviegoers, half of whom wore hats, while the other half went bareheaded. In the spirit of unity, we fought over different hats until we all had some type of headgear, from a "Gilligan hat" to a recycled trick-or-treat bucket. Danielle and I spent most of the movie in the kitchen making iced tea and popcorn, but we made it to the couch before the kids made it to Neverland so we were quite in time for the best parts of the movie.

Saturday was interesting. After such a crazy episode the night before, wherein my father found us all in our separate styles of headgear, I was quite sleepy in the morning. However, there were groceries to be got and neither mom nor I like to shop alone for such necessities. So, leaving James to accomplish the weed eating, we headed out to the store.

As we stood in the checkout line, mom's cell phone started to ring. Marvelous! Dad's truck broke down at the Hallmark store, so we have to pick him up on the way home. So we did. Then, after unloading the groceries, Mom took Dad back to his truck to jumpstart it. James and I were left to put the food away. I did find a place for everything, but I later found out why that was, when someone found a melted bag of ice that I had set on top of the freezer to make room inside. Eh-heh. Oops.

Derek came over to stay the night with James. Sadly, James began to feel unwell that evening and we were obliged to bring the air matresses and sleeping bags inside from the tent, where the original plans had designated the night's lodging. They must've zonked out right away, because I didn't hear anyone talking after I went to bed. I usually stay up and read for a while before falling asleep.

Sunday dawned much earlier than I wanted it to. But up I got. James decided he was not up to traveling to church, and so Mom stayed home with him. Dad, Derek and I went to Milmay and stayed afterwards for the dinner they had going on. (Way too many desserts. I don't know why, but it seems like there's always more dessert than dinner.) Manda stopped by on her way home from church to pick up Derek and I got to meet her friend, Elise.

Dad and I drove home and picked up Mom and James, who was feeling better by this time, and went up to the Horn's house. Dad had some things to talk to Mr. H about and Mom of course wanted to see Mrs. H. Cara and I spent time talking and listening to Irish music, as always. James and John spent time checking out John's new laptop.

I was quite tired when I got home, though it was only eight o'clock.
posted by cori 8/22/2005 09:22:00 AM  
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