Friday, November 18, 2005
Nighttime Musings
It's a quarter till seven and I'm ready for bed. I am so tired. And yet, of all the times this week that I've had time and energy to kill, now is the time I pick to blog. Backwards? Not at all. I am simply following the unavoidable characteristics of me.

Music softly curls through the air around me. The warm glow from the fireplace heats the room and keeps one side of me warm. Slouched in my chair and gazing out the window, the only thing visible aside from the reflection of myself, is the porch railing and the house lights of our neighbors across the street. Everything else is dark. The sun has long since set. Outside is ready for rest and repose before the sun shines tomorrow.

I saw the northern lights again tonight. Now that I know what they look like, I can recognize them. I always thought they were colorful, but I have seen them to be white and laser-like. They are beautiful, like a show meant just for me. I called James out to see them. At first, I thought they were just clouds. But as I looked longer, they started to move, just as they did the first time I saw them at NW Center. First, they started as two laser beams shooting across the sky and ending above my house. Then after James came out, I pointed them out to him. They were greater in number then. Four beams stretched out long to reach the sky over the woods beside us. They are so beautiful.

I will look tomorrow to see if they come back. It must be that they are more friendly and sociable during the winter months. I have never seen them in the summer. I didn't even know you could see them in NJ until a few years back when my Uncle Tom was showing them to my mom.

It's so cold outside. You can see your breath when you blow. I always like to blow into the cold air and see it. Small pleasures. They're so . . . well, pleasant. :) There was frost on the ground this morning. Brrr! It made me want to put on my warm fuzzy slippers (no, not the leopard ones, the white fuzzy ones) and curl up with a book, a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate.
However, as today was Saturday, I had things to do. Cleaning being one of them. Having a woodstove requires that we tolerate a lot of dusting. It seems like we could do it every day. I simply must get to my bedroom soon. When I came home from HQ, I unpacked everything so I could use my suitcases again. Then I had presents for my birthday that I had to find homes for, and then packing to do for Florida. When we came home from Florida, I had more unpacking to do. So there are stacks of shirts and skirts and hats and photos and presents and things all over my room. I have to clean and organize it, but my room is so cold that I've been putting it off. *sigh* I'm going to have to do it soon. I can scarcely walk with all the furniture that's in there now. So having things on the floor and flat surfaces isn't helping matters.
posted by cori 11/18/2005 07:02:00 PM  
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