Saturday, December 30, 2006
A Whole 'Nother Language
Well, here is Saturday so I've been at my new job for two days. I'm told things are slow, which is good because that gives Janet, the lady who's retiring, plenty of time to work with me and take it slow.

I ahve to say that at about ten o'clock Thursday morning, my mind was going fuzzy with all the talk of packing slips, purchase orders, order acknowledgements, invoices, statements, customer invoices, customer numbers, customer nicknames, and purchase order numbers. I thought to myself, "I have so bitten of more than I can chew. And I'll sure never figure out what all this is about." Then some guy, I think his name was Howard, came by and told me I had big shoes to fill.

Janet is obviously extremely meticulous. Very organized. Everything is either alphabetized (new concept!) or in order by date. Everything has a file in either a bin or a drawer. She's been there seven years, so she has task numbers and companies' multiple names memorized. She can recognize a PO number before I've got my highlighter uncapped. Howard was right.

But it seems a fairly easy job. It's the same thing every day. The same steps have to be gone through, but with different documents. First is . . . uh . . . I don't remember what's first. I have a pad of paper that I've been keeping checklists on. I wrote everything down the first day, so the second day, Janet just had to tell me what we were doing next, and I'd know how to do it. It's working pretty well, and when we come to something new, I make little side notes in the margin. Next thing is to make a checklist of jobs to do each day and the order to do them in. Then, after she retires, I won't be totally at a loss. I'll at least know what to do next. :)

The only drawback to this whole thing is that the computer program the company uses was written in 1981. So it's all text based. There is no such thing as point-and-click anything. I always kind of wanted to learn that, but now that I am, they're switching to a new program in June that's Windows based (point-and-click everything). So I have to learn two systems at once. It's not too confusing however. As soon as I see the black screen with all that white lettering, my mind swings into accounting mode. It'll seem so normal to use Windows.

So that's how my two days have been. You mayn't see me here more than Saturdays and Sundays anymore, but that's an improvement over my two-week absences, right?
posted by cori 12/30/2006 08:25:00 AM  
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