Sunday, June 19, 2005
Amidst much laughter
Laughter. The expression of thought. The releasing of emotion. Most thoughts can be expressed by laughter. No matter what the emotion, it can always be relieved by laughter. If we are sad, we sometimes laugh to keep from crying. It's a preference in such a case as that. But sometimes, sometimes we just laugh for the sheer fun of it. We laugh because other people are laughing. It's contagious. You can't help catching laughter any more than you can help catching a cold. And I find that we don't control our sense of humor. It has more power over us than we have over it. I also find in this world, or at least the little corner that I've seen, so many different styles of humor. I am amazed at the quick wits of my friends. And they get a smile out of the thoughts that I pass along. Maybe that's part of why we're friends. You can't help being friends with folks that make you laugh. It's too enjoyable. And you can never really be mad at someone who makes you laugh either.
"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh." -Agnes Repplier
(You may wonder what prompted these thoughts. We had Derek and Danny over last night. At one point during the evening, they both exploded into laughter. I'm still not sure why.)
Danny, I remembered you saying what a nice view we have from the front porch. And then me saying we should wait for the sunset. But we didn't get the chance so here's a picture of it from the front porch.
posted by cori
6/19/2005 08:15:00 AM
"Zultan!" "Gupta!" "And den...?"
ok derek~ like they know what that means! *roar of laughter!!!!!*
Les- the view looks great- i've got to watch it sometime! thanks for the photo- the tree and all looks totally cool.
btw- where were you all last night?? we were looking all over for your family!
love ya~
I wanted to come D2, but the fates were against me. :)
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"Zultan!" "Gupta!" "And den...?"