Saturday, June 25, 2005
Showers. But not necessarily April showers.
Finally!! A bloggable event! (One gets tired of typing out the events of each day when there's not really anything interesting going on.)

Emily Fisher (Slack, as was) was quite surprised to find her sister's basement filled with all of her friends and family this afternoon. Mom and I showed up at around two, parked at a school down the street and walked a block to Kristi's house where we found many of our acquaintance already assembled (and many whom I met for the first time today) and ready to surprise Emily yet again with a shower. The event was quite familiar to me. It put me greatly in mind of a similar event a year earlier. Only at that time, the decorations were geared more toward the bridal theme.

We waited quite some time after we arrived for Emily to show. (We found out later that Joy insisted on finishing a game before heading over to Kristi's.) She was definitely surprised. The guest of honor unwittingly selected tank top and shorts for her appearance. Definitely a suitable choice as far as weather goes. We all watched as she (and her niece, Trinity) opened the gifts. Since Em and Christian do not know whether to expect a boy or a girl, many of the clothes she received went along with the themes of ducks, frogs and bears. Yellow, green and white. Em received lots of gifts, from a bassinet to a handmade quilt to hangers for the baby's clothes. Lots of Huggies!

The games were somewhat unique. I'd love to know who it was that thought of them. Mrs. Slack competed against her sister, Jan, to win a sort of juggling contest. Each contender was required to hang up a certain amount of baby clothes on a clothesline, while holding a babydoll on her arm and a telephone to her ear. Of course, they were both required to hold one-sided conversations with the person of their choice. It was easy to tell that Mrs. Slack has had some experience in this area. :)

We stayed around chatting until almost everyone else had left. I so seldom get the chance to have a good talk with Joy that when I do, I indulge myself. Having known Joy since we were both seven, it's great fun sometimes to reminisce over bygone times. The day we tied Charles up in a bed sheet, strapped him in with belts and carried him down three flights of stairs to the livingroom, there to leave him until his parents arrived home. Now that was a day to remember. (Man, we were just wicked sometimes.) Joy recalled the day we dressed him up as a girl and locked him out of the house. Of course, Charles didn't know (and I don't really think we did either) that we were going to do that at the time he agreed to this little charade. I remembered the first time I slept over to Joy's house. She was turning thirteen. Being sworn to secrecy, I cannot divulge the events of that night, but just get a picture in your mind of six 13yr-old girls and a telephone. Boy, it's great to talk and laugh over good times. :) :) :)

Mom and I made the walk back to the car and headed home, picking James up on the way. He'd spent the day at the Davises's house. I haven't heard the scoop on that yet, but I'm sure that, over time, I will.
posted by cori 6/25/2005 07:59:00 PM  
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