Friday, September 23, 2005
The way I write, you'd think I like fall.
Fall is in the air! This morning, as I was feeling unwell, I stayed at home in bed. I think this forced action of becoming familiar with my immediate surroundings made me appreciate all the more the walk to the lunchroom, which I was not to be talked out of. And so, when the bells in the tower of the PC began to chime the hour, I made my way along the sidewalk. Little yellow hearts came floating down from the trees as the wind blew rather sharply past me. I must agree with a fellow here, Mike, that the grass is greener in the fall. I don't think it is the rain. I don't think it is the wind or the cold weather. I don't even believe it to be the mind subconciously insisting that the grass is greener simply because I want it to be. I think it really does appear to be a brighter, or rather, a deeper shade in comparison with those bright yellow heart-shaped leaves that litter the ground all around here.

And what should I see upon entering the dining hall, but fried chicken! My total favorite! I piled my plate with my favorite meal and chose a seat among those girls of my acquaintance whom I don't often meet in the office. Rather comical it was to see the table divided in two; the guys on one end and the girls on the other end. I did notice that the conversation centered chiefly around the three or four people near the middle of the table. After much conversation and several announcements, I stood in a nearly empty dining hall listening to Christina tell a comical tale of being arrested in Walmart. I could not stay long, so when she told how she was acquitted of the charge laid at her door, I made my way homeward, stopping long enough to pick up my cell phone before returning to the PC.

Many were the WBLA booklets stacked in my inbox upon arrival. Four booklets to go through! I couldn't believe how much work had been done in my absence. Not that they don't work, but it takes them twice the time to correct a booklet on the computers as it does me with a pen. So then it's a good thing that there are two of them and one of me. :)

At 4:30, Jarod came around announcing in an announcer voice, "It's four thirty on Friday afternoon. Do you know where you should be?" Meaning ATI department meeting. It's a great way to signal the end of the work week. If it wasn't for staff meeting, some people wouldn't go home.
posted by cori 9/23/2005 06:13:00 PM  
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