This is James at the Celebration Station in Florida. As you can see, he's all set to win the next race. (He says that he past me twice in the last race.)

This is me sitting at the starting line. I don't know who I am looking at. Probably Dad.
It took several tries for me to get this shot. I stood on the sideline while James drove past. He's waving or something in this photo. Maybe he's doing that "hey dude" thing. :)

James spent lots of time trying to perfect his skill. And would you believe it? Here's a real life situation where he used his physics training.
Me & my cousin hanging out at my grandparents' house the last night of our stay.

I took James outside for some good shots while the trees still had leaves on them. I had to crop this photo to fit it on the blog, but the leaves around him are all reddish orange. Very cool.
Well, there is that. Then there is the fact that if it weren't for pictures, some people would never see their friends.