Thursday, February 09, 2006
Smile. It confuses people.
Grocery shopping is never my favorite thing to do, especially when I am not the one shopping. If it's just me, and Mom sends me in to get the groceries while she goes on another errand, I'm fine. I know what I've got to do. I stick with a list. I get it done and I get out of there. But when I'm just tagging along to push the cart, it's really kind of a drag.

Today was less characteristic of grocery shopping than I've seen in a while. There were so many little kids in the Amish market that no matter where you turned, someone was having an adventure.

The first was a little boy of about three. He was adorable in a flannel shirt and jeans with those tan workboots on. They were so small! He was going along next to his grandmom. As he walked, he moved from side to side, literally toddling like one that has not had much practice at walking. Grandmom was pushing a little girl in a stroller when Wee Willie Winkie spied the food at the counter. I could hear him exclaiming about the sausages. He liked sausages. Could he have some sausages?

The second act was a brother-sister team. Dark-skinned and curly-headed, big sis was pushing a cart that she could scarcely see over top of with her exact counterpart in appearance standing in the other end. Mommy was pulling the cart to steer. "Why are you helping me? I can push it by myself." "I know. I'm just making sure Tommy doesn't fall out," which was probably a good idea given the angle at which the fearless little guy perched himself over the end.

Next came two older girls, about twelve and thirteen. They must have been that close in age because I could not have told you which was older. These two were extrememly pretty in their brightly colored jackets. They clearly had some Hispanic background because their skin was a beautiful tan color and their eyes and curly ponytails were the color of chocolate. They reminded me of the girls I went to school with. When I caught the eye of the younger one, I smiled at her. She smiled back the brightest smile I'd seen all day. :)

Then along came an old Amish man with a white beard and a straw hat. As he came by, he encountered the little girl who was now in the cart with her brother. "What's your name?" he asked with a smile. "Ashley," came the shy, but rather curious reply.
He held out a quarter for her to take and turned to the little boy. "And what is your name?"
"Tommy," said a little voice, not much above a whisper.
"Here you go, Tommy." And he held out a quarter for the little guy. Tommy looked inquisitively at his mom, who nodded. Tommy took the quarter.

I imagine he spent it at the gumball machine on the way out. :)
posted by cori 2/09/2006 03:26:00 PM  
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