Monday, May 23, 2005
"This is what summer afternoons are for."
I attribute the above quote to my friend, Lauren Davis, who hosted a real live session of Coffee Hour for me yesterday.

Yesterday was a lovely day. At Milmay Bible Church, we are studying Philippians. I'm glad, for it is my favorite book to read. Pastor Lee Cattell (sp?) makes the bible seem so plain that I wonder I never noticed things before.

After service, I chatted with Cara about different things; books, movies, the swiftness of time, dolls. (Dolls?!? Yes, dolls.)

At home, Daddy was still sleeping when we arrived. He's working nights as I think I've mentioned in a previous post. So I had lunch and read a book as I waited for 3 o'clock to arrive. That's when I'd been planning to go visit the Davis troup.

The swiftness of time is inversely proportional to your anticipation.

Seconds ticked by and when my watch finally said 3:01, I asked to go over. Mom wanted to know if I was planning to bike over or what? It's going to rain. Are you going to change? Yeah, I'll bike over. It's not going to rain. No, I won't change. I've ridden in sandals before. Mom decided to drive me over anyway.

So I called up and Dina answered.
"Oh yes!" she said.
"Oh good!" I answered.

When I arrived, Lauren was cutting flowers for an impromptu coffee hour/tea party. It didn't look impromptu. You'd think she'd been planning it all week. (Who knows? Maybe she was and I was only a helpless victim to her mindpowers.) It was great fun. Danielle came out and we sat under a tent with cookies and tea and coffee. Lauren has the most adorably cool dishes. Little cups with shoes on them and plates with paper doll clothes in the funnest colors.

After devouring all of their candy kisses (my favorites), I saw Jeremy come out in search of the coffee pot. I told him the coffee was cold by now, but I think he did not attend to my warning. At least, that's what I gathered from the expression on his face when he drank it. After a short discussion on movie theatres and college graduations, he proceeded with his coffee pot to the house.

This is when Manda arrived. She was of course distraught at finding she was late to a party (and that her cup had been used by the aforementioned brother), but it was dinnertime. Amid much joking and banter back and forth across the table, we were able to visit together on the porch while we ate. The cuisine was excellent. I'd never had potato casserole before, but it was a new treat. Simply delicious!

In the midst of a Uno game, I found myself initiated into the Fellowship of the Blue Thumb. It's a very secret society with very secret secrets. We do very secret things together. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. The members are only identified by the mark of a blue sparkly nail on their thumb.

The swiftness of time is directly proportional to the amount of fun you're having.

It was soon time to go and I had thoroughly enjoyed my day. It's great to have friends so close by.

PS- Lauren and I intend to be new best friends. We decided we don't have enough best friends.
posted by cori 5/23/2005 05:54:00 PM  
  • At 5/23/2005 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds like an absolutely wonderful day. Makes me wish I lived closer to you all!!
    Excuse me for forgeting, but I don't remember discussing dolls at all. Is this revisionist history here?

  • At 5/23/2005 7:53 PM, Blogger cori said…

    Give me a name? I discussed dolls with Cara and Mrs. Danner. Perhaps, it was not as involving to Cara?

  • At 5/24/2005 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    that was great! it really was super seeing you- and you have to come over some time this week.
    dont worry- we will make sure there is only one davis boy around at a time! - grin!
    we had fun- your a blast to be with. and i love how you just fit in the way you do!- d2

  • At 5/24/2005 1:39 PM, Blogger cori said…

    d2- don't make sure there's only one at a time!! that's half the fun of your family. fitting in wherever there's a gap. don't make the gap too big!
    Lizzy :)

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