Thursday, September 01, 2005
Flying is so cool!
The world is lovely from up high. It is no wonder that when God saw it, He said "It is good."

This morning as Daddy drove me to the airport, I noticed the shade of the sky. It was beautiful! On one side of the car, it was a deep blue. Sort of grayish, but definitely not to be mistaken for any color but blue. Then as you followed the sky down toward the horizon, it passed through white, then pale, pale yellow, and dark purply pink, back to blue again. Not the bright purply pink seen at sunset, but a soft, hazy sunrise color. Too beautiful!

The horizon is very indistinct. From my window, there looks to be a large city in the distance. The buildings must be very tall indeed to be seen so clearly. The sunlight upon it makes it very bright.

Now as I look at the sky, it's that same deep blue. The ground is spectacular! It took me some time to realize that those dark areas I had taken, for lakes were in reality, not lakes at all, but trees! But they're so far away as to be nearly identical in appearance. The only way to recognize the water is by the reflection of the sunlight.

When I look down on the houses, they appear as small as, well, see this apostophe? ' That's what they look like. And I'd never see them if it wasn't for the way the sun shines on them also.

Oh my soul! That large city? It is indeed no city at all! It is a patch of clouds! How very strange it looked on the horizon to resemble a city!

I spy a nuclear plant below now. We must be getting closer to the ground or else those are really big kettles. Eight or ten of them emitting their clouds sit on the edge of a river, which winds and snakes its way westward with no apparent rhyme or reason until it suddenly turns its course southward where it disappears from sight.

It must be a densely populated city that I am above now. All the highways are like thin spaghetti and the smaller roads are like a grid on a map. While I can see the roads clearly, it's impossible to detect anything like movement along them. How quickly it has passed by!

I feel so very small. What can God think of all my petty troubles? I look out this tiny window on my left and view so much more at once than anything I could see during a whole hour in the car. I can see so much further, such a large expanse of the world and yet this long strip of horizon, however great it appears to my eyes, is miniscule in comparison to God's view. I am never going to see the whole horizon. Sure, if I traveled for the rest of my life, I might see the whole world over. I would have to see it from an airplane, and it would take the rest of my life, but I might see almost all of it. But God, ah! He sees all of it, all the time.

It makes me feel so insignificant. All the people, the relative size of whom, I cannot fathom, living on this vast globe, scurry around so absorbed in pathetically unimportant events and pursuits. What fools we all are to think that things (everything mind you, from clothes and cars, to international affairs and politics) are significant! What complete and utter folly to imagine ourselves important! And in spite of all that, in spite of the fact that I am here with the rest of the world being as selfimportant as anyone, God (who, you remember, sees the world from way high up as He alone can) views me as worthy to partake of His kingdom. Truly an unspeakable gift.

Every time I get on a plane, my thoughts run along this path. I love flying, perhaps for this reason, for having my perspective straightened out, as well as for the opportunity of seeing all this beauty. (Oh my soul! That is a helicopter beneath me! It looks like a little bee buzzing around that way!)

Whoever said that flying through the clouds was like getting lost in a cotton ball was on the right track. Imagine yourself a tiny bug, smaller than an ant. You're on top of a cotton ball. That's where I am, right above Chicago. We're waiting to land. Ok, maybe you don't like the bug idea. Well, imagine a giant, totally white, cashmere sweater. Imagine how soft and fuzzy it is. That's a little closer to what it looks like.

Chicago is a lovely city! Descending beneath the cloud cover, I can see the reflection of the buildings in the still water. It must be even more alluring at night! I'm getting closer to the ground, seeing a school, a baseball diamond, what looks like a shopping center. Those bright blue spots must be swimming pools. I can count six lanes on the highway and make out the big Mac trucks. There's a Denny's and a Motel 6. Now I'm so close I can read the billboards. And suddenly I find myself over the runway. As soon as we touch down, the metal flaps on the wings lift up outside my window and I here a loud rush of air, slowing us down.

And here I am again, back on the ground as a tiny speck.
posted by cori 9/01/2005 06:20:00 PM  
  • At 9/01/2005 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just found your site and I think its geat

  • At 9/01/2005 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "I feel so very small. What can God think of all my petty troubles?" ~ Thanks for these words. They are an excellent reminder to me to keep all of life in perspective.

    May God bless you during your first night at HQ. (Thinkin' about you, too, Mrs. T.)

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