Thursday, September 22, 2005
What a fun group of girls!
Last evening after work, I attended Spanish class and learned how to say "y'all" to the President. (Nevermind, it would take forever to explain.) Then, since Brittany actually made it to class this week, and since I was planning to be at her apartment building later in the evening, she walked home with me so I could change and I then walked home with her. We had pink lemonade and pizza chips at her house while we read a book that should, by rights of interest level, be entitled A Brief History of Time. Then seven o'clock rolled around. She was supposed to go putt-putting and Starbucking with another group of girls and I was scheduled for dinner in an apartment two floors above.

Ruthann. I knew I knew her face. For two weeks I've been looking at her thinking,"Surely I have met her somewhere before." But the only other Ruthann I could think of was three or four years younger than me. So when she asked me about my life story, and I related all the places I've lived, and she asked where in Florida, and I said Tampa, and she said she lived in Tampa, I said, "Oh! That's where I know you from!" She said, "Did you work the CI in '99?" (Boy, she's got a good memory!) She had been wondering why I looked so familiar to her. I bet if I sat down and talked long enough with the people around here that look familiar, I'd find out that I've met every single one of them before.

So anyway, Ruthann and Melinda live in a little apartment together and invited us for dinner. Melinda made this scrumptious manicotti, which I am going to learn how to make on Saturday, and Ruthann made caesar salad. Oh it was so delicious! Then afterwards, we had Toffeenut Coffee and ice cream with peach cobbler. (I am so getting the recipe for their cobbler. It is the best stuff I have ever had!) We sat and talked and laughed and sipped and ate and had lots of fun. I so enjoyed getting to know these two girls. Deb is such a hoot! She is so funny, and reminds me of the eldest Miss Vanderhoff in the way that she talks and laughs. Alicia didn't say much and neither did I really, but we greatly contributed to the laughter.

At 9:45, Alicia decided it was time to go, so we said goodbye and piled into her car. Almost as soon as we hit the house, I went to bed. Didn't fall asleep, because Brittany had brought me the soundtrack to Emma to listen to, so I listened to that as I continued to read the story. Then Alicia came in to sit on my bed and chat about music and show me a book she has that has parts for guitar and flute. It is a book of wedding music and it looks really hard, but I think I shall like the challenge. J&D, I've been practicing Alone so I hope you have been too. I want to be able to play it together when I get home.

Well, I'd better go. I came in early today to blog and staff meeting starts soon so I've got to get a move on.
posted by cori 9/22/2005 07:43:00 AM  
  • At 9/22/2005 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ha ha! I'll bet that the "y'all" conversation that you had was one of those type of conversations that you can only have at an IBLP/ATII center (whatever their called - I'm drawing a blank). I have to laugh thinking about the ones I was involved in:)

    I guess I'd better start practicing alone, so I can do it when we're together ;)

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