Thursday, September 15, 2005
Chills Running Down My Spine
Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is freezing cold at this desk.

It was cold enough outside this morning that I had to grab my lightweight black jacket. It is cold enough inside now that I'm wishing I had a heavier one. I really don't think that it's necessary to have the air conditioning on when people are sitting on their hands to thaw them out after five minutes at a computer keyboard.

And the worst of all of it? I left my EXCEL mug at the house so I don't have anything to make cocoa in and wrap my hands around. I'll definitely have to swing by the house on the way back from lunch to pick it up.

This morning, staff meeting was hysterical. I walked in to see an inflatable palm tree at the front of the room. There was a skit by the Suite 21 girls, but the really funny part was seeing Mr. G. get up on stage after them and try to deliver a serious talk while surrounded by said palm tree, inflatable fish, ice cream cartons and an ironing board with clothes piled atop it. I wished I had my camera. :)

After lunch . . .

Well, it seems to have warmed up in here considerably, so, although I did get my mug from the house, I do not really need it.

It has been a very long day. I've spent a great deal of the day on one WBLA booklet. It was a real mess! It was already marked all over in red ink when I got a hold of it. I was supposed to just answer the questions that the off-site editor wrote on umpteen hundred yellow sticky notes, but that turned into an all day job when I realized that the reason she had so many questions was because someone had changed the text in each week's passages without changing the correlating examples in the rest of the book. So while they were trying to teach about direct objects, there was a paragraph about main subjects. And while they were trying to teach about main subjects, the examples (which they claimed came from the book) had nothing to do with the price of a dozen eggs!

It has indeed been a very long day.

Do you know that Brittany and Matt think it's hilarious that I use the word indeed? They kill me. It's like, any time they agree with anything that's being said, or any time they would normally answer "yes", they now say "indeed".

posted by cori 9/15/2005 05:55:00 PM  
  • At 9/16/2005 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And so what's funny about that?

  • At 9/16/2005 6:41 PM, Blogger cori said…

    Well, the fact that they wouldn't normally do it is funny. Pardon me for thinking it funny that people don't, on a normal basis, talk the way I do.

  • At 9/16/2005 7:33 PM, Blogger Samara said…

    My office is also freezing cold; some of the women I work with keep not only sweaters, but pairs of fleece gloves in their desks :)

  • At 9/20/2005 9:44 AM, Blogger cori said…

    I think she means "side splitter". But it's not that funny. Just, you know, funny.

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