Monday, September 19, 2005
Whoa! I feel like pulling on the reins to make life slow down a tad. What is it James says? Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once? Not all the time apparently.

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day. I went to church with Rachel Johnson's family at Emmanuel Baptist Church. They had a guest speaker so I didn't really find out much about the way their church normally is. I was going to attend again next week. They are having an "old fashioned" Sunday. Everyone is getting dressed up in old fashioned clothes. The pastor is giving a sermon by D.L. Moody. The service will be aboard a riverboat. I was even going to have Mom send out one of my outfits to wear, but then I was invited to church elsewhere and now I can't decide.

After church, Brittany and I had lunch at Starla's house. They served this really good fruity rice pilaf stuff and a cherry chocolate cupcake thing for dessert. Oh yum! That was good! I didn't stay long. They had somewhere they had to go and I was expecting a call from someone. I went home and Brittany went to her brother's house to get him and go play tennis at the park. I talked on the phone with Mom for nearly two hours that afternoon. Sitting there with a cup of tea, a soft CD and a cross stitch project is my idea of a great day. When five o'clock came around, I said goodbye and rode with the Fredricksons down to the dining hall.

I was scheduled with Anna to make dinner. No big deal, just sandwiches and ice cream. There were only about 50 or so people eating dinner. So we got out the bread and set out the veggie tray and started making lunchmeat rolls, when the phone rang. Anna picked it up. I couldn't really figure out what she was saying. Four loads? Loads of what? Are they delivering food on Sunday? No, not food. Four van loads. Four fifteen passenger vans filled with people from the Families of Promise conference. They're going to be here for dinner. Oh. Wow. We don't have enough food. Send the purchasing guys to the store for more stuff. Another phone call. Eight Romanian mayors? They'll be here too? And we're feeding them sandwiches? Hmm. Hope there's enough food.

So we sent out the guys and fell to cutting more vegetables, rolling more turkey slices, and counting out the buckets of ice cream. Should be alright if the guys get back on time. It seemed like they'd never get here. The staff meeting ended and we wondered if we should put out what food there was and just wait till they arrived to put out the rest? when suddenly, there they were, "lifesavers dressed like ATI guys." We rolled as much roast beef as we could and then washed up. Armed with ice cream scoops, we opened the doors. And in they came. One hundred and twenty people, though I don't think they all made it through the ice cream line.

After dinner, we cleaned up the kitchen and I went to Brittany's apartment to sit on her couch and listen to more relaxing music. Nine o'clock came around and we headed to my house, both of us because we girls can't walk alone after dark. (Afraid of the geese.) So then she called her bro and he walked her home from there. Poor guy. Always having to walk his sister home. But I can't feel sorry for him; it's not like we're keeping him awake or anything. I've heard tales that 12 Pine doesn't shut off lights until around three in the morning. I think I would die after a week like that.

So anyway, that's my Sunday. How was yours?
posted by cori 9/19/2005 10:47:00 AM  
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