Friday, September 16, 2005
Much warmer in the office today!
Yesterday was so long. I couldn't believe the length of time it took to go through all those corrections in the booklets. However, I am wishing presently that I had more to do because today doesn't hold much in the way of work.

Last night, we had house dinner. Alicia was gone again. She's at the Northwoods for Families of Promise, along with half the staff here. Deb had a choir practice scheduled for 7:15, so we had to leave the house almost as soon as we got there. We rode down to the shopping centers and decided on Fuddrucker's for dinner. This is not a place I recommend. Apart from the really strange name, the food, though tasty, is too much to eat in one sitting and costs an amazing amount. The decorations are cool and there is a great variety of foods to choose from, but regardless of these plusses, I think I shall refrain from frequenting this restaurant.

We stopped at Sams Club on the way home. Each girl going her separate way, I soon found my way to the book section. There is not much selection in this department at Sams, so I wandered around until I spied Amber & Anna. Catching up with them, I discovered they were shopping for new pans. Anna claimed to be in need of one particular skillet, and as she reached for the one on the shelf, she suddenly backed away. What caused this sudden retreat? Following her eyes upward, I soon saw the offense. The roof was leaking. How strange. After deciding to make life easier for the sales associates by containing the wayward drops a handy stockpot (which was obviously put on the shelf for the express purpose of obliging the passers-by), we left the pot on the floor and made our way to find Deb.

Deb deposited us at the house and left to make her entrance at church fashionably late. Anna, Amber and I got into the other car and headed to Jewel (grocery store) to pick up Anna's dry cleaning and find an ATM machine. That didn't take long, and so we were soon back at the house.

Amber has an awesome voice. Ok, Derek and James, you remember Chelsea from the Messiah concert? Imagine that voice coming from this girl and you've totally got it. She played the piano for a good long while, singing and asking me to sing too. Anna had left for the PC again, so we were really belting it out. We found a treasure of a hymnal in the bench that had songs like Lamb of God, If My People, Shout to the Lord, I Cannot Tell and How Deep the Father's Love. I am finding a copy for myself somewhere. Oh, but we had fun! We ran out of songs we knew, so we just sang the other ones over and over again. We must've looked quite quirky, there at the piano in our pj's and slippers. It was nine thirty before we stopped, and a few minutes later, Anna walked in. We stayed up till ten thirty discussing important things like hospitals, hot cocoa brands and headache medicine. What a variety of topics, right? But we had to stay up as late as we could because Amber was leaving this morning to go home.

I heard her alarm go off this morning and I reached over to touch my clock and light up the face. 4:00 am. Whoa. I totally hate getting up that early. I rolled over and went back to sleep. At 6:30, my clock woke me up. I bought a new alarm clock when I got here. I no longer wake up to the annoying ERRR-ERRR-ERRR that Nancy Drew wakes up to. It's more of a soft beep-beep-beep. Much subtler, yet just as effective.

Well, I gotta go. It will soon be time to start work and I of course cannot be typing blogs while I am supposed to be checking edits. See ya!
posted by cori 9/16/2005 08:12:00 AM  
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