Thursday, September 08, 2005
The Comma Trauma
Welcome to the WBLA department of IBLP!

This has been a totally hectic week. I know I've talked to most of you on the phone within the past few days, so I will not go into very great detail as to the things that have been keeping me busy.
Friday morning I left with a van full of people to go to the Northwoods where we had a sort of prayer retreat, but the focus was more on a weekend of relaxation than anything else. I did have a good time, getting to know some new friends whom I would probably have never met had I not gone on that weekend trip. For instance, Brittany Antonion and her brother Matt have been nearly constant companions during off-hours here at HQ. Brittany works in the kitchen at the staff center across the street and Matt works in construction on the first floor.

The ride to Northwoods was somewhat dull, for not only did I not know the people well, but they slept most of the way. It was after I arrived that I started to loosen up. Tubing, volleyball, kayaking, campfires, guitars, chocolate chip cookies, 1:30 bedtimes, and comfy couches constituted the next few days. Pastor Doug Small was a great encouragement during the morning and evening sessions. I so wish I had lots of time to tell you all about this weekend. We came home on Tuesday. I rode with Brittany in another van. There was constantly at least three guys lolling upon the back seat, fast asleep. I tried to sleep, but you know how I am. The constant motion of the van keeps me awake. When we got back to the PC, I hefted my thirty-ton suitcase to the house and unpacked. Brittany got bored at her house and came over to keep me company. We had dinner together and waited for the rest of our caravan to arrive home. It was quite dark when she went to her apartment.

Yesterday was intense. As soon as I sat down at my desk, I was assigned WBLA 8A to edit. Now this is not an urgent project as it was only revisions and not actual editing. (You wouldn't believe the difference a comma's position makes in the way people perceive the sentence.) Lunch came around very quickly. I was so hungry! I didn't realize what an effort it is to sit at a desk all day! :) Back at the office, I was provided with a veritable library of books to read so that I could know how to edit the English language in general and WBLA booklets in particular. The two girls I work with, Beth and Beth, have both been preparing for a retreat next week that is being put on for families without fathers. It's called Families of Promise.

After hours, I went to Spanish class. (Yes, this makes my third or fourth course in this same unspeakable language.) (I don't know why I can't seem to pick it up.) An hour in class and I was headed back to my house. We were scheduled for a house dinner, which is the same as a family dinner (where you all sit down at the table and eat together) except that you eat with the people in your house. I was under the impression that someone was ordering pizza, but apparently the plan was to head out to Ruby Tuesday's. Good food. Great company. I learned some important things, like how you are chosen to ask grace. (It's the last person with two thumbs up. Don't ask me why.) Grocery shopping, call to the Davis household, and house devotions. (You got it, just like family devos only these people aren't family, they're house mates.)

This morning I awoke to the sound of the telephone ringing at 6:30. No one answered it at first. Then I got up to get it and as soon as I reached the door, well, I'm sure you can guess. So I got back in bed and it started ringing again. I made it all the way to the phone this time before someone else picked up the extension. Wrong number. Might as well stay awake now.

Staff meeting at 7:45, not your average staff meetings here, folks. This skit was after the fashion of Good Morning America. Just as they were discussing the distractions of life, four of their cell phones went off simultaneously. :) Upstairs to my desk, editing, reading, hershey kisses, lunchtime, phone calls, paperwork and it's time to go home. Hope you've enjoyed this unusually brief version of my week. Please forgive any typos. I can't access the publishing page with CharacterLink. Eh-heh. :)
posted by cori 9/08/2005 06:04:00 PM  
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